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单词 Howe
释义 Howe 1  Howe  AHD:  [hou] Elias (1819-1867) D.J.  [ha&]K.K.  [ha&]NONE(无词性)American inventor and manufacturer who designed early sewing machines (1845 and 1846) and subsequently won patent-infringement suits against a number of manufacturers, including Isaac M. Singer.豪,伊莱亚斯:(1819-1867) 美国发明家及制造商,他于1845年和1846年发明了早期的缝纫机,后赢得对包括艾萨克·M·辛格在内的众多制造商侵犯专利权的起诉 Howe 2  Howe&B{Irving} (&b{Born 1920})  NONE(无词性)American social critic and editor who founded the magazineDissent  (1953). 豪,欧文:(生于 1920) 美国社会批评家及编辑,他创办了杂志《异议》 (1953年)  Howe 3  Howe&B{Julia Ward} (&b{1819-1910})  NONE(无词性)American writer and feminist who was active in the women's suffrage movement. She wrote “Battle Hymn of the Republic” (published 1862) and editedWoman's Journal  (1870-1890). 豪,尤莉娅·沃德:(1819-1910) 美国作家和女权主义者,积极参与了争取妇女选举权的运动。她著有《共和国战斗颂》(1862年出版),并曾担任《妇女杂志》 的编辑(1870年-1890年)  Howe 4  Howe&B{Richard} (Earl Howe) (&b{1726-1799})  NONE(无词性)British admiral who conducted naval operations in America (1776-1778) and defeated the French at Ushant (1794).豪,理查德:(1726-1799) 英国海军上将,于1776年至1778年在美国指挥海军作战,并于1794年在击败法国 Howe 5  Howe&B{Samuel Gridley} (&b{1801-1876})  NONE(无词性)American humanitarian and reformer who founded (1832) and directed for 44 years what later became the Perkins Institute for the Blind.豪,塞缪尔·格里德雷:(1801-1876) 美国人道主义者及改革家,他于1832年创立了盲人帕金斯学院的前身,并管理该校长达四十四年 Howe 6  HoweSir &B{William} (Fifth Viscount Howe) (&b{1729-1814})  NONE(无词性)British general in America. Although he defeated George Washington in a number of battles, he could not force a surrender and returned to England in 1778.豪,威廉:(1729-1814) 北美英军总司令。虽然他在多次战役中打败了乔治·华盛顿,但他无力使其投降,并于1778年返回英国




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