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单词 hubbub
释义 hubbub['hʌbʌb]n. 吵闹声, 叫嚷声, 混乱 hubbub  hub.bub  AHD:  [h¾b“¾b”] D.J.  [6hJb7Jb]K.K.  [6hJb7Jb]n.(名词)1. Loud noise; din.See Synonyms at noise 喧闹声;嘈杂声参见 noise2. Confusion; tumult.骚乱;动乱语源:[Probably of Irish Gaelic origin] ; akin to  Scottish Gaelic ubub [an interjection of aversion or contempt] [可能源于爱尔兰的盖尔语] ;类似于  苏格兰的盖尔语 ubub [表示反感或轻蔑的感叹词] 注释:It has often been remarked that the Celtic inhabitants of Great Britain contributed very little to the stock of English words.Perhaps this should not be too surprising, given the difficult relations over the centuries between the people of Germanic stock and the people of Celtic stock in England and Ireland.It seems likely that a certain English contempt resides in the adoption of the wordhubbub  from a Celtic source, which is probably related toub ub ubub,  a Scots Gaelic interjection expressing contempt,or toabu,  an ancient Irish war cry. In any case,hubbub was first recorded (1555) in the phrase Irish hubbub  and meant “the confused shouting of a crowd.”In addition to the senses it has developed,hubbub was again used, possibly in a nonflattering way, by the New England colonists as a term for a rambunctious game played by Native Americans. 人们常说,居住在大不列颠的盖尔人对英语词汇没有多大贡献。如果考虑到几个世纪以来居住在英格兰与爱尔兰的日尔曼人与盖尔人之间的关系,那么这个情况就不足为奇了。英格兰人采用来自盖尔语的hubbub 这个词时,很可能是带有轻蔑之意的, 此词与ub ub ubub 有关, 是苏格兰盖尔语中用来表示轻蔑之意的感叹词;或者与古代爱尔兰语中的呐喊abus 有关。 无论怎样,hubbub 一词最早见于词组 Irish hubbub (1555年)中, 意为“人群发出的混乱吵闹声”。除了它本身就有的意思外,hubbub 一词又被新英格兰的殖民者用来指印第安人的一种野蛮的游戏,但这一用法可能不讨人喜欢




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