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单词 analytic philosophy
释义 analytic philosophy  analytic philosophy  n.(名词)1. A cluster of philosophical traditions holding that argumentation and clarity are vital to productive philosophical inquiry.分析哲学:认为论证和明辩对富成效的哲学质疑至关重要的哲学传统2. A philosophical school of the 20th century whose central methodology is the analysis of concepts or language. Leading practitioners have included Bertrand Russell, George Edward Moore, Rudolf Carnap, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.逻辑实证学派:20世纪的哲学流派,其中心方法是对概念或语言进行分析。代表人物罗素·贝朗特、乔治·爱德华·穆尔、鲁道夫·卡纳普和路德维希·维特根施泰因3. Philosophy as professionally practiced in the United States and Great Britain in the 20th century.20世纪在美国和英国经专家证实的哲学




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