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单词 hue
释义 hue[hju:]n. 样子, 色度, 色彩, 叫声, 色调【计】 色调【医】 色彩 hue  hue  AHD:  [hy›] D.J.  [hju8]K.K.  [hju]n.(名词)1. The property of colors by which they can be perceived as ranging from red through yellow, green, and blue, as determined by the dominant wavelength of the light.色彩的性质:认知色彩由红至黄、绿、蓝的排列的色彩的性质,这种排列取决于光的主波长2. A particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.色调:色彩的一种特殊层次;阴影或浅色3. Color:色彩:all the hues of the rainbow.彩虹所有的颜色4. Appearance; aspect:外表;样子:a man of somber hue.一个外表忧郁的男子语源:1. Middle English [color, form] 中古英语 [色彩,形式] 2. from Old English h&9{ºw, h¶o} 源自 古英语 h&9{ºw, h¶o}  Hue  Hue  AHD:  [hy›-³“, hw³] D.J.  [hju86e!, hwe!]K.K.  [hju6e, hwe]NONE(无词性)A city of central Vietnam near the South China Sea northwest of Da Nang. An ancient Annamese city probably dating from the third centurya.d. , it was nearly destroyed during heavy fighting in the Vietnam War. Population, 165,865. 顺化:越南中部城市,临近南中国海,位于岘港市西北。为安南古城,可能建于公元 3世纪,在越南战争中几乎毁于战火。人口165,865




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