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单词 anapest
释义 anapest  anapest 也作 an.a.paest  AHD:  [²n“…-pµst”] D.J.  [6#n*7pest]K.K.  [6#n*7pWst]n.(名词)1. A metrical foot composed of two short syllables followed by one long one, as in the wordseventeen.  抑抑扬格:由两短一长的三音节组成的音步,如单词seventeen  2. A line of verse using this meter; for example,抑抑扬格诗:抑抑扬格的诗行;如:“'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house”(&b{Clement Clarke Moore})“这是圣诞前夜,此时此地,那弥漫在整个房间的气氛”(克雷芒·克拉克·穆尔)语源:1. Latin anapestus 拉丁语 anapestus 2. from Greek anapaistos 源自 希腊语 anapaistos 3. ana- [ana-] ana- [前缀,表示“再”] 4. paiein  pais- [to strike (so called because an anapest is a reversed dactyl)] * see  peu- paiein  pais- [换方向(这样叫是因为抑抑扬格是扬抑抑格颠倒过来的形式)] *参见 peu- 继承用法:an”apes“tic  adj.(形容词)




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