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单词 hustle
释义 hustle['hʌsl]n. 心碌, 挤, 推, 拥挤喧嚷vt. 催促, 乱挤活动, 硬逼, 强夺vi. 赶紧, 硬挤过去 hustle  hus.tle  AHD:  [h¾s“…l] D.J.  [6hJs*l]K.K.  [6hJs*l]v.(动词)  hus.tled,hus.tling,hus.tles及物动词)1. To jostle or shove roughly.硬挤,硬推2. To convey in a hurried or rough manner:推挤:匆忙或强硬地运送:hustled the prisoner into a van.把囚犯推进一辆货车3. To cause or urge to proceed quickly:催促:使或催促加快速度:hustled the board into a quick decision.催促董事会迅速作出决定4. To gain by energetic effort:努力地得到:hustled a hot lunch.千方百计地吃上热腾腾的午饭5. Slang 【俚语】 6. To sell or get by questionable or aggressive means:以不正当的方法赚钱:以可疑或攻击性的手段卖出或得到:hustled stolen watches; hustling spare change.卖掉偷来的手表;得到多余的零钱7. To pressure into buying or doing something:逼迫(某人做某事):迫使买或做某事:a barfly hustling the other customers for drinks.酒徒迫使别的顾客买饮料v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To jostle and push.推或挤2. To work or move energetically and rapidly:赶忙,有干劲儿:精力充沛、动作迅速地工作或运动:We hustled to get dinner ready on time.我们忙着把晚餐按时准备好3. To act aggressively, especially in business dealings.积极进取:出格地行动,尤指在生意场上4. Slang To obtain something by deceitful or illicit means.【俚语】 骗取:以欺诈或不正当的手段得到5. Slang To solicit customers. Used of a pimp or prostitute.【俚语】 拉客,拉皮条:拉客。用于拉皮条的人或妓女n.(名词)1. The act or an instance of jostling or shoving.推挤:挤或推的动作2. Energetic activity; drive.精力充沛的行动;动力3. Slang An illicit or unethical way of doing business or obtaining money; a fraud or deceit:【俚语】 骗钱,骗子:非法或不道德的做生意或赚钱的办法;骗子或诈骗:“the most dangerous and wide-open drug hustle of them all”(&b{Newsweek})“他们中最危险、最擅钻空子的假药贩子”(新闻周刊)语源:1. Dutch husselen [to shake] 荷兰语 husselen [摇晃] 2. from Middle Dutch hustelen [frequentative of] hutsen 源自 中古荷兰语 hustelen  [] hutsen的重复动词 继承用法:hus“tler  n.(名词)




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