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单词 icon-
释义 icon-  icon-  pref.(前缀)Variant of icono- icono-的变体 icon  icon 也作 i.kon  AHD:  [º“k¼n”] D.J.  [6a!7kKn]K.K.  [6a!7k$n]n.(名词)1. An image; a representation.肖像;代表2. A simile or symbol:明喻或象征:“Voyager will take its place . . . alongside such icons of airborne adventure as The Spirit of St. Louis and&I{[the]}  Bell X-1” (&b{William D. Marbach})“旅行者号会代替它的位置…就象圣路易斯之神号和[那] X—1响铃号那样进行太空冒险” (威廉D.马巴赫)3. A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditional to the Eastern Church.圣像:基督教神圣或受崇拜的人物的画像,这是东正教的传统4. One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol:偶像:成为人们注意和崇拜对象的人物;偶像:“He is . . . a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation”(&b{Harry F. Waters})“他是音像时代里设计和造就出来的流行乐偶像”(哈里F.沃特斯)5. Computer Science A picture on a screen that represents a specific command.【计算机科学】 图标,图符:屏幕上代表特殊命令的图象符号语源:Ultimately from Greek eik½n 最终源自 希腊语 eik½n




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