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单词 igg
释义 igg  igg  AHD:  [¹g] D.J.  [!g]K.K.  [!g]及物动词)  igged,,iggs 【美国北部】 To ignore.忽视注释:Igg,  a shortened form of ignore,  seems to have come into American speech from jive, the special jargon of Black jazz musicians in the 1930's. Its use has spread from the musicians' exclusive jargon into the Black communities of Northern U.S. cities. The reduction of a word to its initial syllable is a common source of slang or informal words, especially among groups of speakers who for reasons of exclusivity like to remain avant garde in their speech. Often such words come into general use, as in mike  for microphone.  Igg 一词作为 ignore 一词的简略语,可能是从20世纪30年代黑人爵士乐乐师的专业术语中进入美国语言的。该词从乐师独有的术语传入美国北部城市的黑人聚居区。将一个字缩短到它开头的几个字母是俚语和非正式用语的一个主要来源,有些语言圈的人为保持其独特性而尽量在语言上保持特殊,他们就常用这种方法。这种词语在生活中 经常使用,就象用 mike 代表 microphone 这个词  IgG  IgG  abbr.(略语)immunoglobulin G immunoglobulin G




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