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单词 illiterate
释义 illiterate[i'litərət]n. 文盲a. 目不识丁的, 没受教育的 illiterate  AHD:  [¹-l¹t“…r-¹t] D.J.  [!6l!t*r!t]K.K.  [!6l!t*r!t]adj.(形容词)1. Unable to read and write.See Synonyms at ignorant 文盲的:不会读书写字的参见 ignorant2. Having little or no formal education.无知的:受教育少或未受正规教育的3. Marked by inferiority to an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature.墨水少的:显得不够公认的语言文字水平的4. Violating prescribed standards of speech or writing.语文差错的:违反规定的读写、说话规则的5. Ignorant of the fundamentals of a given art or branch of knowledge:无知的:对某种艺术或知识一窍不通的:musically illiterate.See Usage Note at &b{literate} 对音乐一窍不通的参见 literate语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin ill&9{ºter³tus} 源自 拉丁语 ill&9{ºter³tus} 3. in- [not] * see  in- 1in- [不] *参见 in-14. l&9{ºter³tus} [literate] * see  literate l&9{ºter³tus} [有文化的] *参见 literate继承用法:illit“erate  n.(名词)illit“erately  adv.(副词)illit“erateness  n.(名词)




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