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单词 imitate
释义 imitate['imiteit]vt. 模仿, 效法, 冒充, 仿造 imitate  im.i.tate  AHD:  [¹m“¹-t³t”] D.J.  [6!m!7te!t]K.K.  [6!m!7tet]及物动词)  im.i.tat.ed,,im.i.tates 1. To use or follow as a model.仿效,效法:当作一个模范来使用或追随2. To copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic:模仿:照搬某人的动作、容貌、特殊习惯和讲话;模拟:amused friends by imitating the teachers.模仿老师来取悦逗乐朋友3. To copy or use the style of:模仿或运用…的风格:brushwork that imitates Rembrandt.模仿伦勃朗的绘画4. To copy exactly; reproduce.精确地复制;仿制5. To appear like; resemble.像;类似语源:Latin imit³r&9{º}  imit³t- 拉丁语 imit³r&9{º}  imit³t- 继承用法:im“ita”tor  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. imitate,copy,mimic,ape,parody,simulate2. These verbs mean to follow something or someone taken as a model. To这些动词的意思是仿效作为典范的某物或某人。3. imitate  is to act like or follow a pattern or style set by another: imitate  是象或按照其他人设立的方式或风格去做: “I . . . lay there simulating death” (W.H. Hudson).“我…躺在那儿,假装死了” (W·H·哈得孙)




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