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单词 impeach
释义 impeach[im'pi:tʃ]vt. 控告, 怀疑, 检举, 弹劾【法】 控告, 检举, 弹劾相关词组:impeach sb with...impeach sb with a cime impeach  im.peach  AHD:  [¹m-p¶ch“] D.J.  [!m6pi8t.]K.K.  [!m6pit.]及物动词)  im.peached,, 1. To make an accusation against.控告,告发2. To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.弹劾:在适宜的法庭上指控(官员)在职期间有不正当行为3. To challenge the validity of; try to discredit:怀疑:怀疑…的合法性;试图使丧失信用:impeach a witness's credibility.怀疑证人的可信性语源:1. Middle English empechen [to impede, accuse] 中古英语 empechen [阻止,指责] 2. from Anglo-Norman empecher 源自 英法语 empecher 3. from Late Latin impedic³re [to entangle] 源自 后期拉丁语 impedic³re [牵连] 4. Latin in- [in] * see  in- 2拉丁语 in- [在…里面] *参见 in-25. Latin pedica [fetter] * see  ped- 拉丁语 pedica [束缚] *参见 ped- 继承用法:impeach“er  n.(名词)impeach“ment  n.(名词)注释:Nothing hobbles a President so much as impeachment,and there is an etymologicalas well as procedural reason for this.The wordimpeach  can be traced back through Anglo-Norman empecher  to Late Latin impedic³re,  “to catch, entangle,”from Latinpedica,  “fetter for the ankle, snare.” Thus we find that Middle Englishempechen,  the ancestor of our word,means such things as “to cause to get stuck fast,” “hinder or impede,” “interfere with,” and “criticize unfavorably.”A legal sense ofempechen  is first recorded in 1384. This sense, which had previously developed in Old French,was “to accuse, bring charges against.”A further development of the sense had specific reference to Parliament and its formal accusation of treason or other high crimes,a process that the United States borrowed from the British.Although we have used it rarely at the federal level,impeachment stands as the ultimate snare for those who would take advantage of the public trust.没有事能象弹劾那样会使总统陷入窘境了,这既有词源的原因,又有程序上的原因。impeach 这个词能够通过英国法语中的 empecher 追溯到后期拉丁语中的 impedicare , 意思为“抓住,牵连”,源自拉丁语中的pedica ,意思是“脚镣,圈套”。 于是我们发现中古英语中的empechen , 我们现在这个词的前身,有着诸如“使牢牢困住”,“妨碍或阻止”,“干涉”和“令人不利地批评”等意思。empechen 在法律方面的意思最早在1384年被记录下来。 这个意思,原先在古法语中有一定发展,意思是“控告,指控。”这个意思的进一步发展到议会和议会对叛国罪或其他重大罪行的指控,这一程序是美国从英国那里借鉴而来的。尽管我们在联邦一级上很少使用,但是弹劾对于那些滥用公众信任的人来说是最终的陷阱




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