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单词 impetuous
释义 impetuous[im'petʃuəs]a. 冲动的, 猛烈的, 轻率的, 狂暴的 impetuous  AHD:  [¹m-pµch“›-…s] D.J.  [!m6pet.u8*s]K.K.  [!m6pWt.u*s]adj.(形容词)1. Characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion; impulsive and passionate.冲动的:具有突然的和强有力的能量或感情特征的;冲动的和热情的2. Having or marked by violent force:猛烈的,奔腾的:impetuous, heaving waves.奔腾汹涌的浪花语源:1. Middle English [violent] 中古英语 [猛烈的] 2. from Old French impetueux 源自 古法语 impetueux 3. from Late Latin impetu½sus 源自 后期拉丁语 impetu½sus 4. from Latin impetus [impetus] * see  impetus 源自 拉丁语 impetus [刺激] *参见 impetus继承用法:impet“uously  adv.(副词)impet“uousness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. impetuous,heedless,hasty,headlong,precipitate,sudden2. These adjectives describe people and their actions when they are marked by abruptness or lack of deliberation.这些形容词描述鲁莽或缺乏谨慎的人以及这时的行为。3. Impetuous  suggests forceful impulsiveness or impatience: Impetuous  意味着强烈的冲动和不耐心; “[a race driver who was] &I{flamboyant, impetuous, disdainful of death”}  (Jim Murray).“[一个赛车手] 辉耀的,冲动的,对死亡充满蔑视的人  (吉姆·默莱)。4. Heedless  implies carelessness or lack of a sense of responsibility or proper regard for consequences: Heedless  含有粗心的、没有责任感的或不考虑后果的意思: “Hobbling down stairs with heedless haste, I set my foot full in a pail of water” (Richard Steele).“鲁莽地匆匆蹦跳着下了楼梯,我把双脚全部泡进了水桶里” (里查德·斯蒂尔)。5. Hasty   andheadlong both stress hurried, often reckless action: Hasty  和headlong 都强调匆忙的, 经常是不计后果的行动: The soldiers made a headlong rush for cover.士兵们不顾一切冲向掩蔽所。6. Precipitate  suggests impulsiveness and lack of due reflection: Precipitate  意思是冲动和缺乏应有的考虑: “Some of the fickle populace began to doubt whether they had not been rather precipitate in deposing his brother” (Washington Irving).“一些多变的人开始怀疑他们把他的兄弟废除掉是不是太不考虑后果了” (华盛顿·欧文)。7. Sudden  applies to what becomes apparent abruptly or unexpectedly: Sudden  用于变得突然或出乎意料明显的事物: The patient is given to sudden and inexplicable paroxysms of anger. 病人突然且无法解释地愤怒发作起来。




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