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单词 impute
释义 impute[im'pju:t]vt. 归罪, 使负责, 嫁祸于 impute  im.pute  AHD:  [¹m-py›t“] D.J.  [!m6pju8t]K.K.  [!m6pjut]及物动词)  im.put.ed,,im.putes 1. To charge with the fault or responsibility for:归罪或推加责任于:imputed the rocket failure to a faulty gasket; kindly imputed my clumsiness to inexperience.把火箭发射失败的责任归咎于有故障的垫圈;善意地将我的笨拙归咎于缺乏经验2. To attribute; credit:归于;归功于,赞誉:the gracefulness so often imputed to cats.See Synonyms at &b{attribute} 优雅常被用在猫身上参见 attribute语源:1. Middle English imputen 中古英语 imputen 2. from Old French emputer 源自 古法语 emputer 3. from Latin imput³re 源自 拉丁语 imput³re 4. in- [in] * see  in- 2in- [在…里] *参见 in-25. put³re [to settle an account] * see  peu- put³re [算帐,向…清算] *参见 peu-




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