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单词 incise
释义 incise[in'saiz]vt. 切割, 雕刻【医】 切 incise  in.cise  AHD:  [¹n-sºz“] D.J.  [!n6sa!z]K.K.  [!n6sa!z]及物动词)  in.cised,, 1. To cut into, as with a sharp instrument:切入:切入,如用锐利的器具:incised the tablet with chisels; a plateau that had been deeply incised by streams.用凿子凿石桌;被河流划出深深沟壑的高原2. To engrave (designs or writing, for example) into a surface; carve.雕,刻:刻(如图案,文字)于一表面;雕刻3. To engrave designs, writing, or other marks into.刻:刻入图案、文字或其它符号语源:1. French inciser 法语 inciser 2. from Old French enciser 源自 古法语 enciser 3. from Vulgar Latin *inc&9{ºs³re} 源自 俗拉丁语 *inc&9{ºs³re} 4. frequentative of Latin inc&9{ºdere}  inc&9{º}s- 拉丁语 inc&9{ºdere的重复}  inc&9{º}s- 5. in- [in] * see  in- 2in- [进入] *参见 in-26. caedere [to cut] * see  ka…-id- caedere [切,切开] *参见 ka…-id-




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