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单词 incite
释义 incite[in'sait]vt. 刺激, 激励, 引诱【法】 鼓动, 煽动 incite  in.cite  AHD:  [¹n-sºt“] D.J.  [!n6sa!t]K.K.  [!n6sa!t]及物动词)  in.cit.ed,,in.cites To provoke and urge on:剌激,激励:troublemakers who incite riots; inciting workers to strike.煽动暴乱的捣乱分子;鼓动工人罢工语源:1. Middle English encyten 中古英语 encyten 2. from Old French enciter 源自 古法语 enciter 3. from Latin incit³re [to urge forward] 源自 拉丁语 incit³re [激励向前] 4. in- [intensive pref.] * see  in- 2in- [加强语意的前缀] *参见 in-25. cit³re [to stimulate] [frequentative of] ci¶re [to put in motion] * see  kei- 2cit³re [剌激]  [] ci¶re的重复动词 [使行动起来] *参见 kei- 2继承用法:incite“ment  n.(名词)incit“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. incite,instigate,foment,abet2. These verbs mean to stir or give support to action.这些动词均有促使或支持某行为发生的含义。3. Incite  is applied primarily to arousing the will and spirit to act: Incite  主要用以指挑起行动的欲望或精神: “Commonly, though not always, we exhort &I{to good actions, we}  instigate &I{to ill”}  (Samuel Johnson).“通常,尽管并不总是,我们规劝 人们做好事, 又怂勇人们 做坏事”  (萨缪尔·约翰逊)。4. Foment  usually refers to the systematic fostering of feelings, as of discord or rebellion,that produce violent action: Foment  常指系统地酝酿比如不和或反叛之心,导致暴力行动: The treasurer, aided and abetted by an assistant, misappropriated company funds. See also Synonyms at  &b{provoke} 掌管财务的人在助手的帮助和唆使下,挪用了公司的基金 参见同义词 provoke




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