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单词 incubation
释义 incubation[,inkju'beiʃən]n. 抱蛋, 孵化, 酝酿【医】 孵育, 孵化, 潜伏, 宿庙求梦(古希腊) incubation  AHD:  [¹n”ky…-b³“sh…n, ¹ng”-] D.J.  [7!nkj*6be!.*n, 7!0-]K.K.  [7!nkj*6be.*n, 7!0-]n.(名词)1. The act of incubating.孵化:孵化的行为2. The state of being incubated.孵化:被孵化的状态3. Medicine The development of an infection from the time the pathogen enters the body until signs or symptoms first appear.【医学】 潜伏:从病原体进入体内到症状最初出现的感染发展过程4. Medicine The maintenance of an infant, especially a premature infant, in an environment of controlled temperature, humidity, and oxygen concentration in order to provide optimal conditions for growth and development.【医学】 保育婴儿,尤指早产婴儿:把早产婴儿置于温度、湿度、集中供氧都得到控制的环境中以利于其生长和发育继承用法:in”cuba“tional  adj.(形容词)




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