单词 | indeterminate |
释义 | indeterminate[,indi'tə:minət]a. 不明确的, 不确定的, 含混的【法】 不明确的, 无定期的, 不确定的 indeterminate in.de.ter.mi.nate AHD: [¹n”d¹-tûr“m…-n¹t] D.J. [7!nd!6tT8m*n!t]K.K. [7!nd!6tPm*n!t]adj.(形容词)1. Not precisely determined, determinable, or established:未定的,不明的:没有准确决定、确定的:a person of indeterminate age.一个年龄不明的人2. Not precisely fixed, as to extent, size, nature, or number:不确定的:在程度、体积、性质或数量上没有准确确定的:an indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle.丛林中植物种类的数目不明3. Lacking clarity or precision, as in meaning; vague:模糊的:缺乏清晰或准确的,例如在意思上;含糊的:an indeterminate turn of phrase.短语的模糊转化4. Not fixed or known in advance:不可预测的:事先不可确定或不可知:an indeterminate future.不可预测的未来5. Not leading up to a definite result or ending:无结果的:不能导致一个确定的结果或结局的:an indeterminate campaign.一个没有结局的运动6. Botany Not terminating in a flower and continuing to grow at the apex:【植物学】 总状的,无限的:不以花朵为终结并在顶端无限生长的:an indeterminate inflorescence.无限花序语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin ind¶termin³tus 源自 拉丁语 ind¶termin³tus 3. in- [not] * see in- 1in- [不] *参见 in-14. d¶termin³tus [determined] * see determinate d¶termin³tus [决定的,确定的] *参见 determinate继承用法:in”deter“minately adv.(副词)in”deter“minateness 或 in”deter”mina“tion AHD: [-n³“sh…n] (名词) |
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