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单词 indifferent
释义 indifferent[in'difərənt]a. 漠不关心的, 无重要性的, 中立的【医】 中性的, 无作用的, 无亲和力的, 淡漠的 indifferent  in.dif.fer.ent  AHD:  [¹n-d¹f“…r-…nt, -d¹f“r…nt] D.J.  [!n6d!f*r*nt, -6d!fr*nt]K.K.  [!n6d!f*r*nt, -6d!fr*nt]adj.(形容词)1. Characterized by a lack of partiality; unbiased:中立的,公正的:具有无偏向性特点的;没有偏见的:a properly indifferent jury.严格中立的陪审团2. Not mattering one way or the other.不关心的,不重要的:不在乎是那种方式的3. Having no marked feeling for or against.不偏不倚的:没有明显的喜好或厌恶的4. Having no particular interest in or concern for; apathetic:冷漠的,不关心的:没有特别的兴趣或不特别关心的;不同情的:indifferent to the sufferings of others.对别人遭受的痛苦漠然处之5. Being neither too much nor too little; moderate.适度的:既不太多也不太少的;中等的6. Being neither good nor bad; mediocre:一般的,平凡的:既不好也不差的;中等的:an indifferent performance.一场平庸的表演7. Being neither right nor wrong.中性的:既不对也不错8. Not active or involved; neutral:惰性的:不活跃的或不参与的;中性的:an indifferent chemical in a reaction.反应中不活跃的化学成分9. Biology Undifferentiated, as cells or tissue.【生物学】 不分化的:不再分化下去的,例如细胞或组织语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin indiffer¶ns  indifferent- 源自 拉丁语 indiffer¶ns  indifferent- 4. in- [not] * see  in- 1in- [不] *参见 in-15. differ¶ns [different] * see  different differ¶ns [不同的] *参见 different继承用法:indif“ferently  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. indifferent,unconcerned,incurious,detached,uninterested2. These adjectives mean marked by an absence of interest.这些形容词的意思是不关心、不感兴趣的。3. Indifferent  applies most broadly;it can suggest lack of partiality, bias, or preference or a lack of feeling one way or another: Indifferent  运用得最广;它可以表示不偏向性,没有成见,没有偏好,对事物这样或那样不关心: “The universe is not hostile, nor yet is it friendly. It is simply indifferent” (John H. Holmes).“宇宙没有敌意,但也不是友好,它只是冷淡” (约翰·H·霍姆斯)。4. Unconcerned  implies not only a lack of interest but also a lack of solicitude, feeling, concern, or care: Unconcerned  意指不仅不感兴趣,而且也不同情,不焦虑,不关心: blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight.只顾自己愉快地生活,对朋友的困境漠不关心。5. Incurious  stresses absence of intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity: Incurious  强调缺乏理性的探询和本能的好奇心: strangely incurious about the causes of the political upheaval surrounding her.对发生在她身边的政治风暴的原因竟然无动于衷。6. Detached  suggests absence of involvement together with an impersonal point of view: Detached  意指不参与,同时对此有客观的看法: “[His] &I{maturity appears in the detached clear-sightedness with which he could observe his own character”}  (David Cecil).“[他的] 成熟表现在他客观公正而且敏锐的洞察力中,正是这种洞察力使他能省视自己的性格”  (戴维·塞西尔)。7. Uninterested  merely denotes lack of interest: Uninterested  仅表示缺乏兴趣: an uninterested glance. See also Synonyms at  &b{average} 不感兴趣地一瞥 参见同义词 average




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