释义 |
inept[in'ept]a. 不适当的, 不理智的, 笨拙的【法】 不称职者, 无能的, 不符要求的 inept in.ept AHD: [¹n-µpt“] D.J. [!n6ept]K.K. [!n6Wpt]adj.(形容词)1. Not apt or fitting; inappropriate.See Synonyms at awkward 不合适的:不恰当的或不合适的;不合宜的参见 awkward2. Displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason; foolish:愚蠢的:表现出缺乏判断力、理性或理智的;笨的:an inept remark.一个愚蠢的评价3. Bungling or clumsy; incompetent:笨拙的:毛手毛脚的;无能的:inept handling of the account.笨拙地处理帐目语源:1. Latin ineptus 拉丁语 ineptus 2. in- [not] * see in- 1in- [不] *参见 in-13. aptus [suitable] * see apt aptus [合适] *参见 apt继承用法:inept“ly adv.(副词)inept“ness 或 inep“titude” AHD: [-µp“t¹-t›d”, -ty›d”] (名词) |