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单词 inferior
释义 inferior[in'fiəriə]a. 次等的, 较差的, 下方的, 下级的n. 部下, 次品, 下标(符号)【医】 下的相关词组:be inferior to inferior  in.fe.ri.or  AHD:  [¹n-fîr“¶-…r] D.J.  [!n6f!*ri8*]K.K.  [!n6f!ri+]adj.Abbr. inf.(形容词)缩写 inf.1. Low or lower in order, degree, or rank:下级的,下属的:在等级、程度或官阶中低的或较低的:Captain is an inferior rank to major.上尉是低于少校的一个官阶2. Low or lower in quality, value, or estimation:低等的,较差的:在质量、价值或估量大小上低的或较低的:inferior craft; felt inferior to his older sibling.低等的手工艺品;感到比他的兄妹们低一等3. Second-rate; poor:次等的;较劣的:an inferior student.劣等生4. Situated under or beneath.以下的,下面的5. Botany Located below the perianth and other floral parts. Used of an ovary.【植物学】 下位的:位于花被和其它部分以下的。用于指子房6. Anatomy Located beneath or directed downward.【解剖学】 下的:处于下方的或向下生长的7. Printing Set below the normal line of type; subscript.【印刷术】 下标的:置于正常印刷基线以下的;下标的8. Astronomy 【天文学】 9. Orbiting between the earth and the sun:在地球轨道内侧的:在太阳与地球之间绕太阳旋转的:Mercury is an inferior planet.水星是在地球轨道内侧的一颗行星10. Lying below the horizon.地平线以下的n.Abbr. inf.(名词)缩写 inf.1. A person lower in rank, status, or accomplishment than another.下级:在官阶、地位或成就上不如另一个人的人2. Printing An inferior character, such as the number 2 inCO 2.  【印刷术】 下标符号:一个下标的字或符号,如CO 2 中的数字2 语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin [comparative of] &9{º}nferus [low] * see  &9{ö}dher- 源自 拉丁语  [] &9{º}nferus的比较级 [低的] *参见 &9{ö}dher- 继承用法:infe”rior“ity  AHD:  [-ôr“¹-t¶, -¼r“-] (名词)




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