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单词 infest
释义 infest[in'fest]vt. 骚扰, 寄生于, 大批出没【医】 传染, 感染 infest  in.fest  AHD:  [¹n-fµst“] D.J.  [!n6fest]K.K.  [!n6fWst]及物动词)  in.fest.ed,,in.fests 1. To inhabit or overrun in numbers large enough to be harmful, threatening, or obnoxious:(害虫、盗贼等)大批出没于:大量地居住或出没于,数量大到有害、有威胁性或有毒的程度:rats infesting the sewers; streets that were infested with drugs.老鼠大量出没于下水道;大街上毒品泛滥2. To live as a parasite in or on tissues or organs or on the skin and its appendages:寄生于:在组织内、器官上、皮肤上和体表器官上象寄生虫一样生存:livestock that were infested with tapeworms.寄生了大量绦虫的动物语源:1. Middle English infesten [to distress] 中古英语 infesten [折磨] 2. from Old French infester 源自 古法语 infester 3. from Latin &9{ºnfest³re} 源自 拉丁语 &9{ºnfest³re} 4. from &9{ºnfestus} [hostile] * see  g whedh- 源自 &9{ºnfestus} [敌意的] *参见 g whedh- 继承用法:in”festa“tion  n.(名词)infest“er  n.(名词)




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