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单词 ingot
释义 ingot['iŋgət]n. 锭, 铸块【化】 坯料【经】 锭, 铸模, 铸块 ingot  AHD:  [¹ng“g…t] D.J.  [6!0g*t]K.K.  [6!0g*t]n.(名词)1. A mass of metal, such as a bar or block, that is cast in a standard shape for convenient storage or shipment.铸块:一条状或块状的金属,通常制成标准的形状,目的是方便存储或运输2. A casting mold for metal.铸模:制金属的模具语源:1. Middle English [mold for casting metal] 中古英语 [制金属的模] 2. probably in- [in] * see  in- 2可能为 in- [在…之内] *参见 in-23. Old English goten [past participle of] geotan [to pour,] 古英语 goten  [] geotan的过去分词 [灌入] 4. or perhaps from Old French lingot [metal ingot]  as if l'ingot  le [definite article]  *ingot [ingot] 或可能源自 古法语 lingot [金属模具]  似乎为 l'ingot  le [定冠词]  *ingot [模块]




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