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单词 injury
释义 injury['indʒəri]n. 伤害, 侮辱【医】 伤, 损伤相关词组:do an injury to sbadd insult to injurydo sb an injury injury  in.ju.ry  AHD:  [¹n“j…-r¶] D.J.  [6!nd9*ri8]K.K.  [6!nd9*ri]n.(名词)  【复数】 in.ju.ries 1. Damage or harm done to or suffered by a person or thing:伤害:对人或事所做的、人或事遭受的破坏或伤害:escaped from the accident without injury; a scandal that did considerable injury to the campaign.没有受伤地从事故中逃脱;一桩使整个运动深受其害的丑闻2. A particular form of hurt, damage, or loss:损害,损伤:一种特殊形式的受伤、破坏或损失:a leg injury.一处腿伤3. Law Violation of the rights of another party for which legal redress is available.See Synonyms at injustice 【法律】 侵权:对另一方的权利的侵害,另一方有权要求得到赔偿参见 injustice4. Obsolete An insult.【废语】 侮辱语源:1. Middle English injurie 中古英语 injurie 2. from Anglo-Norman 源自 英法语 3. from Latin ini&9{¿ria} [a wrong, injustice] [from feminine of] ini&9{¿}rius [unjust] 源自 拉丁语 ini&9{¿ria} [一个错误,不公正]  [] 源自ini&9{¿}rius的阴性词 [不公平的] 4. in- [not] * see  in- 1in- [不] *参见 in-15. i&9{¿s}  i&9{¿}r- [law] * see  yewes- i&9{¿s}  i&9{¿}r- [法律] *参见 yewes-




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