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单词 injustice
释义 injustice[in'dʒʌstis]n. 不公平, 非正义的行为【法】 不公正, 不公平, 权利侵害相关词组:do sb an injustice injustice  in.jus.tice  AHD:  [¹n-j¾s“t¹s] D.J.  [!n6d9Jst!s]K.K.  [!n6d9Jst!s]n.(名词)1. Violation of another's rights or of what is right; lack of justice.侵权,不公正:侵犯他人的权利或违犯正确的事情;不公正2. A specific unjust act; a wrong.不公正的行为:一项不公正的行动;一个错误语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin ini&9{¿stitia} 源自 拉丁语 ini&9{¿stitia} 4. from ini&9{¿stus} [unjust] 源自 ini&9{¿stus} [不公正] 5. in- [not] * see  in- 1in- [不] *参见 in-16. i&9{¿stus} [just] * see  just 1i&9{¿stus} [公正] *参见 just1参考词汇:1. injustice,injury,wrong,grievance2. These nouns denote acts or conditions that cause people to suffer hardship or loss undeservedly.Aninjustice is a violation of a person's rights; the term can also refer to unfair treatment of another or others: 这些名词都表示使人们遭受不应得的痛苦或损失的行为或状况。injustice 是对一个人权利的侵犯; 这个词也可以表示对别人的不公平的待遇: “Private wrongs . . . are an infringement or privation of the private or civil rights belonging to individuals . . . and are thereupon frequently termed civil injuries” (William Blackstone).“个人犯的错误…是违反法规行为或对私有的(东西的)剥夺或个人的民权…因此经常被称为民事伤害” (威廉·布拉克斯通)。3. Wrong  in a legal sense refers to what violates the rights of an individual or adversely affects the public welfare;in a more general sense, however,the word is similar in meaning to but more emphatic thaninjustice: Wrong  在法律上讲指侵犯了个人权利或危害公共利益;但从更广泛的意义上讲,这个词语气和injustice很相似但更重一些: A committee of inmates presented a list of their grievances to the prison warden. 一个囚犯委员会向监狱看守提交了一个罪行清单




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