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单词 acceptance
释义 acceptance[ək'septəns]n. 接受, 接纳, 承认, 同意, 赞同, 容忍, 相信【经】 承兑, 认付, (工程)验收 acceptance  ac.cep.tance  AHD:  [²k-sµp“t…ns] D.J.  [#k6sept*ns]K.K.  [#k6sWpt*ns]n.Abbr. acpt.(名词)缩写 acpt.1. The act or process of accepting.接受,收受:接受的行为或过程2. The state of being accepted or acceptable.领受,受理:被接受或可被接受的状态3. Favorable reception; approval.赞同;肯定4. Belief in something; agreement.信任;认同5. A formal indication by a debtor of willingness to pay a time draft or bill of exchange.承兑,认付:负债人的正式表明愿意偿还一定期汇票或汇票6. A written instrument so accepted.承兑汇票:这样被接受的一种书面文书7. Law Compliance by one party with the terms and conditions of another's offer so that a contract becomes legally binding between them.【法律】 承担,承诺:一方同意另一方的条款和条件从而使合同对双方都具法律效力




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