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单词 inside
释义 inside['in'said]n. 内部, 内脏, 内幕a. 内部的, 秘密的, 户内的ad. 在里面prep. 在...之内【机】 内部, 内面, 内侧; 内部的相关词组:inside ofinside outknow sth inside outon the inside inside  in.side  AHD:  [¹n-sºd“, ¹n“sºd”] D.J.  [!n6sa!d, 6!n7sa!d]K.K.  [!n6sa!d, 6!n7sa!d]n.(名词)1. An inner or interior part.里面,内侧2. Inward character, perceptions, or feelings:内在的特点、知觉或情感:felt good on the inside about volunteering to help.对自愿帮忙心里觉得很快乐3. An inner side or surface.内侧,内面4. The part away from the edge; the middle part.中间部分:远离边缘的部分;中间部分5. insides Informal insides 【非正式用语】 6. The inner organs; entrails.内脏;肠7. The inner parts or workings:里面的部分或运作方式:the insides of a TV set.电视机里面的装置8. Slang Confidential or secret information.【俚语】 内幕:绝密或秘密的消息adj.(形容词)1. Inner; interior.里面的;内部的2. Relating to, known to, or coming from an exclusive group:内幕的:只与某些人所知的,与其相关的或从其中传达的:inside information; an inside joke.内幕消息;内部笑话3. Baseball Passing on the side of home plate nearer the batter. Used of a pitch.【棒球】 内侧的:穿过本垒板,靠近击球手员的。用于投球adv.(副词)1. Into or in the interior; within.在内地;在内部地2. On the inner side.在内侧地3. Slang In prison.【俚语】 在监狱里prep.(介词)1. Within:在…以内:We'll be there inside an hour.我们一个小时内到2. On the inner side or part of:在内侧或内部:inside the package.在包裹里面3. Into the interior of:进入里面:going inside the house.走进房子习惯用语:inside of  Usage Problem Within:【用法疑难】 在…以内:inside of an hour.在1小时以内inside out  1. With the inner surface turned out; reversed:把内里翻出来的;翻转的:wore the sweatshirt inside out.把运动衫反过来穿2. Informal As completely as possible; thoroughly:【非正式用语】 尽可能完全地;彻底地:knew the city inside out.对这个城市非常了解on the inside  In a position of confidence or influence.处于核心地位:处于自信或有影响的地位用法:The constructioninside of  has sometimes been criticized as redundant or colloquial. Butinside of  is well established in formal writing, particularly in reference to periods of time:  inside of 的结构有时被认为是冗长的或口语化的。 但inside of 在正式书面语中,特别是用来指时间阶段时,已得到确认:  They usually return the manuscript inside of (or &I{inside} ) &I{a month.}  他们通常在(或 inside ) 一个月内归还手稿  




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