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单词 integrate
释义 integrate['intigreit]vt. 综合, 使完整, 使成整体vi. 成一体a. 完整的, 完全的 integrate  in.te.grate  AHD:  [¹n“t¹-gr³t”] D.J.  [6!nt!7gre!t]K.K.  [6!nt!7gret]v.(动词)  inte.grat.ed,,inte.grates及物动词)1. To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.使成一体:把所有部分放在一起而成一整体;使结合2. To join with something else; unite.合并;联合3. To make part of a larger unit:做为较大整体中的一部分:integrated the new procedures into the work routine.把新程序容入了工作程序4. To open to people of all races or ethnic groups without restriction; desegregate.使获得平等待遇:面向所有种族或宗教团体而无任何限制;取消种族隔离5. Mathematics 【数学】 6. To calculate the integral of.求…的积分7. To perform integration on.以积分法运算8. Psychology To bring about the integration of (personality traits).【心理学】 同化:导致(性格特点)的融合v.intr.(不及物动词)To become integrated or undergo integration.成为一体或结合在一起语源:1. From Middle English [intact] 源自 中古英语 [完整的] 2. from Latin integr³tus [past participle of] integr³re [to make whole] 源自 拉丁语 integr³tus  [] integr³re的过去分词 [成为一体] 3. from integer [complete] * see  tag- 源自 integer [完全的] *参见 tag- 继承用法:in“tegra”tive  adj.(形容词)




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