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单词 intensive
释义 intensive[in'tensiv]a. 加强的, 内涵的, 集中的n. 加强器【医】 增强的【经】 密集的 intensive  in.ten.sive  AHD:  [¹n-tµn“s¹v] D.J.  [!n6tens!v]K.K.  [!n6tWns!v]adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or characterized by intensity:强烈的:加强的,与加强有关的,密集的:intensive training.See Usage Note at &b{intense} 强化训练参见 intense2. Grammar Tending to emphasize or intensify:【语法】 加强语意的:意欲强调或加强的:an intensive adverb.加强语意的副词3. Possessing or requiring to a high degree. Often used in combination:密集的,加强的:具有或需要较高程度的。经常用于合成词中:research-intensive; labor-intensive.研究密集的;劳动密集的4. Relating to or being a method especially of land cultivation intended to increase the productivity of a fixed area by means of an increase in capital and labor.精耕细作的:通过增加资本和劳动投入来增加固有土地产量的耕作方法的5. Physics Having the same value for any subdivision of a thermodynamic system:【物理学】 强度的:与热动力系统的分支具有同样价值的:intensive pressure.强度压n.Grammar (名词)【语法】 A linguistic element, such as the adverbextremely  or awfully,  that provides force or emphasis. Also called  intensifier 强调成份:如副词极其的 或 特别的 等表示力量或强调的语言成份 也作  intensifier继承用法:inten“sively  adv.(副词)inten“siveness  n.(名词)




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