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单词 interlude
释义 interlude['intəlu:d]n. 幕间, 幕间时间, 插曲, 穿插, 过场【计】 插算; 中间程序 interlude  in.ter.lude  AHD:  [¹n“t…r-l›d”] D.J.  [6!nt*7lu8d]K.K.  [6!nt+7lud]n.(名词)1. An intervening episode, feature, or period of time:间歇:一个插进的片段、特征、或一段时间:“Kerensky has a place in history, of a brief interlude between despotisms”(&b{William Safire})“克伦斯基在独裁专制之间短暂时期的历史中占有一席之地”(威廉·萨菲尔)2. A short farcical entertainment performed between the acts of a medieval mystery or morality play.幕间幽默短剧:在中世纪神秘剧或道德剧各幕之间表演的滑稽短剧3. A 16th-century genre of comedy derived from this.幕间喜剧:一种起源于此的16世纪喜剧类型4. An entertainment between the acts of a play.戏剧的幕间节目5. Music A short piece inserted between the parts of a longer composition.【音乐】 间奏:一部较长作品各部分间插进的小段乐曲语源:1. Middle English enterlude [a dramatic entertainment] 中古英语 enterlude [一种戏剧娱乐] 2. from Old French entrelude 源自 古法语 entrelude 3. from Medieval Latin interl&9{¿dium} 源自 中世纪拉丁语 interl&9{¿dium} 4. Latin inter- [inter-] 拉丁语 inter- [前缀,表“在…之间”] 5. Latin l&9{¿dus} [play] * see  leid- 拉丁语 l&9{¿dus} [戏剧] *参见 leid-




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