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单词 interrupt
释义 interrupt[,intə'rʌpt]vt. 中断, 妨碍, 插嘴vi. 打断n. 中断【计】 中断【医】 间断, 阻断, 中止 interrupt  in.ter.rupt  AHD:  [¹n”t…-r¾pt“] D.J.  [7!nt*6rJpt]K.K.  [7!nt*6rJpt]v.(动词)  in.ter.rupt.ed,,in.ter.rupts及物动词)1. To break the continuity or uniformity of:中止,中断:打破…的连续性或协调:Rain interrupted our baseball game.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛2. To hinder or stop the action or discourse of (someone) by breaking in on:打断,干扰:通过突然插进阻碍或停止(某人的)行动或过程:The baby interrupted me while I was on the phone.我在打电话时,婴儿干扰了我v.intr.(不及物动词)To break in on an action or discourse.打断:突然插入某行动或过程n.Computer Science (名词)【计算机科学】 1. A signal to a computer that stops the execution of a running program so that another action can be performed.暂停:对计算机发出的中断当前运行程序而执行另一程序的信号2. A circuit that conveys a signal stopping the execution of a running program.中断:传递中断当前运行程序信号的电路语源:1. Middle English interrupten 中古英语 interrupten 2. from Old French interrupte [interrupted] 源自 古法语 interrupte [被打断的] 3. from Latin interruptus [past participle of] interrumpere [to break off] 源自 拉丁语 interruptus  [] interrumpere的过去分词 [中断] 4. inter- [inter-] inter- [前缀,表“在…内”] 5. rumpere [to break] * see  reup- rumpere [打破] *参见 reup- 继承用法:in”terrupt“ible  adj.(形容词)in”terrup“tion  n.(名词)in”terrup“tive  adj.(形容词)




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