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单词 intervene
释义 intervene[,intə'vi:n]vi. 插入, 调停, 干涉【经】 进场干预 intervene  in.ter.vene  AHD:  [¹n”t…r-v¶n“] D.J.  [7!nt*6vi8n]K.K.  [7!nt+6vin]v.intr.(不及物动词)  in.ter.vened,,in.ter.venes 1. To come, appear, or lie between two things:插进:来到、出现于或位于两个物体之间:You can't see the lake from there because the house intervenes.在那儿你无法看到湖,因为有房子介于其间2. To come or occur between two periods or points of time:发生于其间:来到或发生于两段时间或两个时间点之间:A year intervened between the two dynasties.两个朝代之间隔了一年3. To occur as an extraneous or unplanned circumstance:干扰:作为一无关的或计划外的情形发生:He would have his degree by now if his laziness hadn't intervened.如果不是他的懒惰干扰的话,现在他已经获得学位了4. To come in or between so as to hinder or alter an action:斡旋:来到…中间或以阻碍或改变一行动:intervened to prevent a fight.调停以防止打架5. To interfere, usually through force or threat of force, in the affairs of another nation.干涉:干涉他国事务,通常以武力或威胁手段6. Law To enter into a suit as a third party for one's own interests.【法律】 参加诉讼:出于自己的利益参加诉讼语源:1. Latin interven&9{ºre} 拉丁语 interven&9{ºre} 2. inter- [inter-] inter- [前缀,表“在…之间”] 3. ven&9{ºre} [to come] * see  g w³- ven&9{ºre} [来到] *参见 g w³- 继承用法:in”terve“nor  或  n.(名词)in”terven“er  in”terven“tion  AHD:  [-vµn“sh…n] (名词)in”terven“tional  adj.(形容词)




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