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单词 interview
释义 interview['intəvju:]n. 面谈, 访问, 接见, 面试vt. 接见, 对...进行面谈(试)相关词组:grant an interview to sbhave an interview with sbgive an interview to sb interview  in.ter.view  AHD:  [¹n“t…r-vy›”] D.J.  [6!nt*7vju8]K.K.  [6!nt+7vju]n.Abbr. int.(名词)缩写 int.1. A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant.面试:面对面的正式会见,尤指为评价申请人资格而安排的会面2. A conversation, such as one conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited from another.访谈:谈话,例如由记者进行的访谈,由此从他人处获得事实或陈述3. An account or a reproduction of such a conversation.访问记:这类谈话的记录或复制4. Informal An interviewee:【非正式用语】 被面试者:“I had been warned that&I{[he]}  was a tough interview—that he doled out flip answers . . . to questions he was tired of being asked” (&b{David Roberts})“我被警告说[他] 是一个顽强的受访者——因为对于他厌烦被问到的问题他只勉强地给予轻率的回答” (戴维·罗卜茨)v.(动词)  in.ter.viewed,,in.ter.views及物动词)To obtain an interview from.对…进行面试:获得一个被面试机会v.intr.(不及物动词)To have an interview:面试:interviewed with a publishing company.与一出版公司面谈语源:1. French entrevue 法语 entrevue 2. from Old French [from feminine past participle of] entrevoir [to see] 源自 古法语  [] 源自entrevoir的阴性过去分词 [看见] 3. entre- [between]  from Latin inter- * see  inter- entre- [在…之间]  源自 拉丁语 inter- *参见 inter-4. voir [to see]  from Latin vid¶re * see  weid- voir [看见]  源自 拉丁语 vid¶re *参见 weid- 继承用法:in“terview”able  adj.(形容词)in”terviewee“  n.(名词)in“terview”er  n.(名词)




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