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单词 anima
释义 anima['ænimə]n. 生命, 灵魂【医】 灵气, 灵, 精, 精华(药品的有效成分), 精神, 女性意象(精神分析用词) anima  AHD:  [²n“…-m…] D.J.  [6#n*m*]K.K.  [6#n*m*]n.(名词)1. The inner self of an individual; the soul.人内在自我;灵魂2. In Jungian psychology:心灵:在荣格心理学中:3. The unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality.灵气:人的无意识自我或真实的内在自我,与人的外在表现和外在性格相反4. The feminine inner personality, as present in the unconscious of the male. It is in contrast to the animus, which represents masculine characteristics.男性的女性倾向,男性的女性性格:男性具有的无意识中的女性内在性格。与表现男性特征的女性的男性倾向相反语源:Latin anima * see  an…- 拉丁语 anima *参见 an…-




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