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单词 intimidate
释义 intimidate[in'timideit]vt. 威胁, 恐吓【法】 恐吓, 威胁, 使恐惧相关词组:intimidate sb into doing sth intimidate  AHD:  [¹n-t¹m“¹-d³t”] D.J.  [!n6t!m!7de!t]K.K.  [!n6t!m!7det]及物动词)  in.tim.i.dat.ed,,in.tim.i.dates 1. To make timid; fill with fear.恐吓:使胆怯;使害怕2. To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats.威胁:通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止语源:1. Medieval Latin intimid³re  intimid³t- 中世纪拉丁语 intimid³re  intimid³t- 2. Latin in- [in, into] * see  in- 2拉丁语 in- [在,入] *参见 in-23. Medieval Latin timid³re [to be timorous, to frighten]  from Latin timidus [timid] * see  timid 中世纪拉丁语 timid³re [胆怯;吓唬]  源自 拉丁语 timidus [怯懦的] *参见 timid继承用法:intim“idat”ingly  adv.(副词)intim”ida“tion  n.(名词)intim“ida”tor  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. intimidate,browbeat,bulldoze,cow,bully,bludgeon2. These verbs all mean to frighten into submission, compliance, or acquiescence.这些动词都表示通过吓唬使人屈服、顺从或默认。3. Intimidate  implies the presence or operation of a fear-inspiring force that compels one to or keeps one from action: Intimidate  暗指迫使人行动或使人不再行动的令人害怕的力量的存在或运行: “It [atomic energy] &I{may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which, without the pressure of fear, it would not do”}  (Albert Einstein).“它〔原子能〕 可能胁迫人类有秩序地处理国际事务,而这在没有恐惧的压力下,是不可能实现的”  (艾伯特·爱因斯坦)。4. Browbeat  suggests the persistent application of highhanded, disdainful, or imperious tactics: Browbet  暗指持续不断地运用高压的、轻蔑的或傲慢的策略: browbeating a witness.逼迫目击者。5. Bulldoze  connotes the leveling of all spirit of opposition, as through the use of threats: Bulldoze  意指通过使用威胁的手段调整所有敌对的态度: couldn't be bulldozed into hiring a less than acceptable candidate for the job.不可能因为威胁而雇用一个不太合意的候选人做这份工作。6. Cow  implies treatment that brings about an abject state of timorousness and often demoralization: Cow  暗示引起畏惧并且通常是令人泄气的凄苦可怜的对待: The strikers were bullied into dropping their demands.罢工者被迫放弃他们的要求。7. Bludgeon  suggests the use of grossly aggressive or combative methods: Bludgeon  暗示使用粗俗挑衅的或好斗的手段: had to be bludgeoned into fulfilling his responsibilities. See also Synonyms at  &b{threaten} 被迫恫吓以完成他的责任 参见同义词 threaten




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