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单词 involve
释义 involve[in'vɒlv]vt. 包括, 使陷于, 潜心于, 包围【医】 累及, 牵涉, 包含 involve  in.volve  AHD:  [¹n-v¼lv“] D.J.  [!n6vKlv]K.K.  [!n6v$lv]及物动词)  in.volved,,in.volves 1. To contain as a part; include.含有,包括:包括;含有…为一部分2. To have as a necessary feature or consequence; entail:伴随,连同:作为必需特色和影响而拥有;伴随:was told that the job would involve travel.See Synonyms at &b{include} 被告知那份工作将需要出差参见 include3. To engage as a participant; embroil:使牵涉,卷入:使某人卷进来;使参与:involved the bystanders in his dispute with the police.把旁观者牵扯进他与警察的争执4. To connect closely and often incriminatingly; implicate:密切关联,牵连:和…直接有关,经常指使某人担上罪责;牵连:evidence that involved the governor in the scandal.州长牵连进丑闻的证据5. To influence or affect:影响:影响或对…产生作用:The matter is serious because it involves your reputation.这件事很严重,因为它影响到你的声誉6. To occupy or engage the interest of:具有或吸引…的兴趣:a story that completely involved me for the rest of the evening.一个让我在那天晚上余下的时间完全沉浸其中的故事7. To make complex or intricate; complicate.使复杂:使…错综复杂;把…复杂化8. To wrap; envelop:包围;裹住:a castle that was involved in mist.笼罩在雾气中的城堡9. Archaic To wind or coil about.【古语】 围绕或缠绕语源:1. Middle English involven 中古英语 involven 2. from Latin involvere [to enwrap] 源自 拉丁语 involvere [包] 3. in- [in] * see  in- 2in- [在…里面] *参见 in-24. volvere [to roll, turn] * see  wel- 2volvere [滚动,转动] *参见 wel- 2继承用法:involve“ment  n.(名词)involv“er  n.(名词)




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