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单词 irrational
释义 irrational[i'ræʃənəl]n. 无理数a. 无理性的, 不合理的【医】 非理性的 irrational  AHD:  [¹-r²sh“…-n…l] D.J.  [!6r#.*n*l]K.K.  [!6r#.*n*l]adj.(形容词)1. Not endowed with reason.不具有理智的2. Affected by loss of usual or normal mental clarity; incoherent, as from shock.失去理性的:因丧失通常或正常的清醒头脑而受影响的;不连贯的,如受惊吓后所表现的那样3. Marked by a lack of accord with reason or sound judgment:不理智的:不听从理性的或缺乏正确判断的:an irrational dislike.See Synonyms at &b{meaningless} See Synonyms at &b{unreasonable} 不理智的憎恶参见 meaningless参见 unreasonable4. Being a syllable in Greek and Latin prosody whose length does not fit the metric pattern.希腊和拉丁诗歌韵律学中中长度不符合格律的音节的5. Being a metric foot containing such a syllable.音步含有这样一个音节的6. Mathematics Of or relating to an irrational number.【数学】 无理数的:无理数的或与无理数有关的继承用法:irra“tionally  adv.(副词)irra“tionalness  n.(名词)




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