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单词 irregular
释义 irregular[i'regjulə]n. 不规则物, 不合规格之物a. 不规则的, 不整齐的, 不合法的【化】 不规则的【医】 不齐的, 不规则的【经】 不规则的, 非正式的 irregular  ir.reg.u.lar  AHD:  [¹-rµg“y…-l…r] D.J.  [!6regj*l*]K.K.  [!6rWgj*l+]adj.Abbr. irreg.(形容词)缩写 irreg.1. Contrary to rule, accepted order, or general practice:不合规则的:与法规、既定规则或习惯做法相背的:irregular hiring practices.不规范的雇佣2. Not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention:不法的,违规的:不合法律、道德准则或社会习惯的:an irregular marriage.不合法的婚姻3. Not straight, uniform, or symmetrical:不规则的,异常的:不符常规的、不统一的或不对称的:irregular facial features.不规则的脸部特征4. Of uneven rate, occurrence, or duration:不稳定的,无规律的:频率、出现或持续时间不稳定的:an irregular heartbeat.心律不齐5. Deviating from a type; atypical.背离一种类型的;非典型的6. Botany Having differing floral parts, as of a zygomorphic or asymmetrical flower.【植物学】 不规则的:花的组成部分相异的,如两侧对称或不对称的花7. Falling below the manufacturer's standard or usual specifications; imperfect.不完美的:在制造者的标准或通常要求之下的;不完美的8. Grammar Departing from the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation, as the present forms of the verbbe  or the plural noun children.  【语法】 不规则的:背离变形的、派生的或构词的通常程式的,如动词be 的现在时形式或复数名词 children  9. Not belonging to a permanent, organized military force:非正规的:不属于永久的,有组织的军队的:irregular troops.非正规军队n.(名词)1. One, such as an item of merchandise, that is irregular.不合格品,次品:一件不规则的东西,如商品2. A soldier, such as a guerrilla, who is not a member of a regular military force.非正规军:非正规军队成员的士兵,如游击队队员继承用法:irreg“ularly  adv.(副词)




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