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单词 jack
释义 jack[dʒæk]n. 插座, 千斤顶, 男人vt. 抬起, 提醒, 扛举, 增加, 提高, 放弃a. 雄的【计】 插座相关词组:make one's jackevery man jackjack injack sth up jack  jack  AHD:  [j²k] D.J.  [d9#k]K.K.  [d9#k]n.(名词)1. Often Jack Informal A man; a fellow.常作 Jack 【非正式用语】 男子,家伙2. One who does odd or heavy jobs; a laborer.佣人,劳工:做零工或重活的人;劳动者3. One who works in a specified manual trade. Often used in combination:手工业者:在特殊的手工行业工作的人。经常用在复合词:a lumberjack; a steeplejack.伐木工人;高空作业工人4. Jack A sailor; a tar.Jack 船员;水手5. Abbr. JGames A playing card showing the figure of a servant or soldier and ranking below a queen.Also called  knave 缩写 J【游戏】 杰克:纸牌上扮演仆人或士兵的角色,牌位低于皇后也作  knave6. Games 【游戏】 7. jacks (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A game played with a set of small six-pointed metal pieces and a small ball, the object being to pick up the pieces in various combinations.jacks (与单数或复数动词连用)抛接子游戏:用一套有六个尖的金属片和一个小球玩的游戏,可以采用不同的组合方式选取这些物品8. One of the metal pieces so used.金属卡:被用来做这种游戏的金属片9. Sports A pin used in some games of bowling.【体育运动】 木瓶:用在某些保龄球运动中的木瓶10. A usually portable device for raising heavy objects by means of force applied with a lever, screw, or hydraulic press.千斤顶,起重机:通过杠杆、螺丝钉或水的压力把重物提起的便携式装置11. A wooden wedge for cleaving rock.木楔:用来劈裂岩石的木楔12. Nautical 【航海】 13. A support or brace, especially the iron crosstree on a topgallant masthead.铁横桁:撑杆或支柱,尤指上桅桅顶的铁横桁14. A small flag flown at the bow of a ship, usually to indicate nationality.舰首小旗:在船首飘扬的小旗,用来表示国别15. The male of certain animals, especially the ass.雄性动物:某些动物的雄性,尤指公驴16. Any of several food and game fishes of the family Carangidae, found in tropical and temperate seas.狗鱼:一种鲹科的食用观赏鱼,产于热带和温带海域17. A jackrabbit.长耳大野兔18. A socket that accepts a plug at one end and attaches to electric circuitry at the other.插座:一端连接插头,另一端连接电路线的插座19. Slang Money.【俚语】 钱20. Applejack.苹果白兰地v.(动词)  jacked,,jacks及物动词)1. To hunt or fish for with a jacklight:用篝灯猎捕:hunters illegally jacking deer.猎人违法地用篝灯诱捕熊2. To hoist with a jack:用千斤顶托起:jacked the rear of the car to replace the tire.用千斤顶将车子的后部抬起,以便更换轮胎3. To raise (something) to a higher level, as in cost:抬升,抬高:将(某物)抬升到较高程度,如价格:“Foreign producers jacked up the price on some steels by over 100”(&b{Forbes})“国外生产商已经把钢铁价格抬升了一倍多”(福布斯)v.intr.(不及物动词)To hunt or fish for quarry by using a jacklight.用篝灯打猎或捕鱼常用词组:jack off 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】  To masturbate.手淫语源:1. From the name Jack 源自名字 Jack 2. from Middle English Jakke 源自 中古英语 Jakke 3. possibly from Old French Jacques 可能源自 古法语 Jacques 4. from Latin Iac½bus 源自 拉丁语 Iac½bus 5. from Greek Iak½b 源自 希腊语 Iak½b 6. from Hebrew Ya'qôb 源自 希伯来语 Ya'qôb 继承用法:jack“er  n.(名词)




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