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单词 annoy
释义 annoy[ə'nɒi]vt. 使恼怒, 骚扰 annoy  an.noy  AHD:  […-noi“] D.J.  [*6n%!]K.K.  [*6n%!]v.(动词)  an.noyed,,an.noys及物动词)1. To cause slight irritation to (another) by troublesome, often repeated acts.使生气,使烦恼:用烦人的,通常是重复性的行为使(别人)生气2. To harass or disturb by repeated attacks.打搅,干扰,扰乱:用屡次的攻击使人厌烦或打扰v.intr.(不及物动词)To be annoying.招人讨厌,惹人烦恼语源:1. Middle English anoien 中古英语 anoien 2. from Old French anoier, ennuyer 源自 古法语 anoier, ennuyer 3. from Vulgar Latin *inodi³re [to make odious] 源自 俗拉丁语 *inodi³re [招人讨厌] 4. from Latin in odio [odious] 源自 拉丁语 in odio [可憎的,讨厌的] 5. in [in] * see  in- 2in [在…里] *参见 in-26. odi½ [ablative of] odium [hatred] * see  od- odi½  [] odium的夺格 [憎恶] *参见 od- 参考词汇:1. annoy,irritate,bother,irk,vex,provoke,aggravate,peeve,rile2. These verbs mean to disturb or disquiet a person so as to evoke moderate anger.这些动词的意思是打搅或扰乱某人使之生气。3. Annoy   refers to mild disturbance caused by an act that tries one's patience: Annoy  指用超过某人耐性的行为引起某人轻微的不安: The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors.楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。4. Irritate   is closely related but somewhat stronger: Irritate  词意思相近但程度上强一些: Your interruptions only serve to irritate the entire staff.你的打扰只能让全体职员都很不快。5. Bother   implies troublesome imposition: Bother  表示烦人的干扰: Hasn't he bothered them enough with his phone calls?难道他的电话声对别人的干扰还不够吗?6. Irk   connotes a wearisome quality: Irk  含有使人厌烦的性质: The city council's failure to take action on the legislation irked the community.市政局立法措施的失败引起了公众的不满。7. Vex   applies to an act capable of arousing anger or perplexity: Vex  指一种足以引起别人生气或困惑的行为: Hecklers in the crowd asked irrelevant questions for the sole purpose of vexing the speaker.人群中的发问者们问了些不相干的问题,只是为了难住发言人。8. Provoke   implies strong and often deliberate incitement to anger: Provoke  指强烈地故意煽动别人愤怒: Her behavior was enough to provoke an angel.她的行为足以让天使发怒。9. Aggravate   is an approximate equivalent: Aggravate  意思与前面一个词基本相同: “Threats only served to aggravate people in such cases”  (Thackeray).“这种情况下威胁不过是为了激怒人们” (萨克雷)。10. Peeve,   somewhat informal in tone, suggests rather minor disturbance that produces a querulous, resentful response: Peeve  语气上有些非正式,指很小的干扰引起了牢骚的,怨恨的反应: The flippancy of your answer peeved me. To 你轻率的回答令我懊恼。至于 11. rile   is to upset one's equanimity and stir one up: rile  一词指使某人失去平静,煽动起某人: It riled me no end to listen to such lies. 这致使我没完没了地听这种谎话




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