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单词 James
释义 James 1  James  AHD:  [j³mz] D.J.  [d9e!mz]K.K.  [d9emz]n.Abbr. Jm.Bible (名词)缩写 Jm.【圣经】 A book of the Bible.See table at Bible 雅各书:《圣经·新约》中的一卷参见 Bible James 2  James 1圣徒  称作 &b{“庞培大帝”}(&b{卒于}) &b{公元} 44年  NONE(无词性)One of the 12 Apostles. The son of Zebedee and brother of John, he preached in Spain and was martyred on his return to Judea.圣雅各:耶稣十二门徒之一。西庇太之子、约翰之兄,曾在西班牙布道。他殉难于返回犹太王国的途中 James 3  James 2圣徒  称作 &b{“次者”}(&b{卒于}) &b{公元} 62年  NONE(无词性)Traditionally regarded as the brother of Jesus, the author of the Epistle of James in the New Testament, and the first bishop of Jerusalem.圣雅各:传统认为是耶稣的兄弟,相传为《新约全书》中的《雅各书》的作者,曾任耶路撒冷第一主教 James 4  James 3圣徒 (&b{1世纪}) &b{公元}  NONE(无词性)One of the 12 Apostles.圣雅各:耶稣十二门徒之一 James 5  James&B{Henry} (&b{1843-1916})  NONE(无词性)American writer and critic whose works generally concern the confrontation of American and European culture. A pioneer in psychologically realistic fiction, he wrote numerous novels, such asThe Bostonians  (1886) and The Golden Bowl  (1904). 詹姆斯,亨利:(1843-1916) 美国作家和评论家,他的作品一般涉及美国文化与欧洲文化的对立。他是一位从心理学角度反映现实主义小说的先锋,著有大量小说,如《波士顿人》 (1886年)和 《金碗》 (1904年)  James 6  James&B{Jesse} (&b{1847-1882})  NONE(无词性)American outlaw. After fighting in the Civil War as a Confederate guerrilla, he led a group of armed brigands that for 15 years robbed banks and trains in the West. He was murdered by a member of his own gang.詹姆斯,耶西:(1847-1882) 美国罪犯。内战中作为南联邦游击队员。战争之后,他带领一群武装强盗在西部抢劫银行和火车长达十五年之久。最后被他的同伙击毙 James 7  James&B{William} (&b{1842-1910})  NONE(无词性)American psychologist and philosopher. A founder of pragmatism and the psychological movement of functionalism, he developed an approach to intellectual issues that greatly influenced American thought. His works includeThe Will to Believe  (1897) and The Varieties of Religious Experience  (1902). 詹姆斯,威廉:(1842-1910) 美国心理学家和哲学家。作为机能心理学的创始人和实用主义创始人,他提出的思想指导行为观点极大地影响了美国人的思想。著作有《信仰的意愿》 (1897年)和 《宗教信仰经验》 (1902年)  James 8  James&B{C(yril) L(ionel) R(obert)} (&b{1901-1989})  NONE(无词性)Trinidadian author and historian noted for his Marxist writings and his novelMinty Alley  (1936). 詹姆斯,西里尔·利奥内尔·罗伯特:特立尼达作家及历史学家,以马克斯主义著作及小说《薄荷巷》 (1936年)著称




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