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单词 James I
释义 James I  James I(&b{1566-1625})  NONE(无词性)King of England (1603-1625) and of Scotland as James VI (1567-1625). The son of Mary Queen of Scots, he succeeded the heirless Elizabeth I as the first Stuart king of England. His belief in the divine right of kings and his attempts to keep peace with Spain created resentment in Parliament that led to the English Civil War. He sponsored the King James Bible.詹姆斯一世:英国国王(1603-1625年)、苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世(1567-1625年)。苏格兰王后玛丽的儿子,他为第一位英国斯图亚特国王,继承了无子嗣的伊丽莎白一世的王位。他对君权神授的信念和与西班牙维持和平的企图,造成了国会的怨恨,因而引发了英国内战。他主持编写《钦定英译本圣经》




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