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单词 jay
释义 jay[dʒei]n. 鸟, 喋喋不休的人, 傻瓜相关词组:scalp sb for a jay jay 1  jay 1  AHD:  [j³] D.J.  [d9e!]K.K.  [d9e]n.(名词)The letterj.  字母j   jay 2  jay 2  AHD:  [j³] D.J.  [d9e!]K.K.  [d9e]n.(名词)1. Any of various often crested birds of the generaGarrulus, Cyanocitta, Aphelocoma,  and related genera within the family Corvidae, often having a loud, harsh call. Also called  jaybird 松鸦:一种常带有羽冠的鸦科松鸦、蓝松鸦、灌丛松鸦 属鸟类,经常嘶哑地大声鸣叫 也作  jaybird2. An over talkative person; a chatterbox.过分多嘴的人;喋喋不休的人语源:1. Middle English jai 中古英语 jai 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Late Latin g³ius, g³ia 源自 后期拉丁语 g³ius, g³ia 4. perhaps from Latin G³ius [personal name] 可能源自 拉丁语 G³ius [人名]  Jay  Jay  AHD:  [j³] John (1745-1829) D.J.  [d9e!]K.K.  [d9e]NONE(无词性)American diplomat and jurist who served in both Continental Congresses and helped negotiate peace with Great Britain (1782-1783). He was the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1789-1795) and negotiated a second agreement with Great Britain, Jay's Treaty (1794-1795).杰伊,约翰:(1745-1829) 美国外交家、大陆会议主席,主持与英国签订和平条约(1782-1783年)。他是美国最高法院第一任首席法官(1789-1795年),并同英国第二次签订了“杰伊条约”(1794-1795年)




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