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单词 jib
释义 jib[dʒib]n. 船首三角帆, 铁臂vi. 移转, 踌躇不前, 停止不动【机】 突梁, 伸臂相关词组:jib at jib 1  jib 1  AHD:  [j¹b] D.J.  [d9!b]K.K.  [d9!b]n.(名词)1. Nautical A triangular sail stretching from the foretopmast head to the jib boom and in small craft to the bowsprit or the bow.【航海】 船首三角帆:一面从前桅的中段展开至下桁的三角形帆,在小艇上则展开至第一斜桅或艇首2. The arm of a mechanical crane.起重臂:起重机的臂3. The boom of a derrick.人字形起重机的桁语源:[Origin unknown] [起源不明]  jib 2  jib 2  AHD:  [j¹b] D.J.  [d9!b]K.K.  [d9!b]v.intr.(不及物动词)  jibbed,,jibs To stop short and turn restively from side to side; balk.徘徊不前:停止不前且踌躇不前;畏缩不前语源:[Origin unknown] [起源不明] 继承用法:jib“ber  n.(名词)




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