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单词 jones
释义 jones  jones  AHD:  [j½nz] D.J.  [d9*&nz]K.K.  [d9onz]n.Slang (名词)【俚语】 1. Heroin.海洛因2. An addiction, especially to heroin.毒瘾:尤指嗜海洛因的毒瘾语源:Perhaps from the name Jones 可能源自名字 Jones  Jones 1  Jones  AHD:  [j½nz] Howard Mumford (1892-1980) D.J.  [d9*&nz]K.K.  [d9onz]NONE(无词性)American educator and writer. His many books on American society includeO Strange New World,  which won a Pulitzer Prize in 1965. 琼斯,霍华德·芒福德:(1892-1980) 美国教育家、作家。他著有许多关于美国社会的书,其中包括《噢,奇异的新世界》 (此书获1965年普利策奖)  Jones 2  Jones&B{Inigo} (&b{1573-1652})  NONE(无词性)English architect who brought the Palladian classical style to England. He designed the Queen's House in Greenwich and the Banqueting Hall in Whitehall, London.琼斯,伊尼戈:(1573-1652) 英国建筑师,曾把帕拉弟奥古典主义风格带到英国。他设计了格林尼治的女王行宫及伦敦怀特霍尔宴会厅 Jones 3  Jones&B{John Luther}  Known as &b{“Casey.”}(&b{1864-1900})  NONE(无词性)American locomotive engineer who died trying to stop his train from crashing into another train. A friend wrote “The Ballad of Casey Jones,” a popular song about his heroic death.琼斯,约翰·卢瑟:(1864-1900) 美国火车司机,因努力使火车避免与另一辆火车相撞而死亡。他的一个朋友写了《凯西·琼斯之歌》,这是一首关于他舍生救人故事的流行歌曲 Jones 4  Jones&B{John Paul} (&b{1747-1792})  NONE(无词性)Scottish-born American naval officer. In the American Revolution he raided the British coast and destroyed two warships (1779).琼斯,约翰·保罗:(1747-1792) 苏格兰裔的美国海军军官。在美国独立战争中,他曾袭击英国海岸并摧毁两艘军舰(1779年) Jones 5  Jones&B{LeRoi}  NONE(无词性)See  Imamu Amiri Baraka 参见  伊玛姆·阿米里 Baraka Jones 6  Jones&B{Mary Harris}  Known as &b{“Mother Jones.”}(&b{1830-1930})  NONE(无词性)Irish-born American labor leader and union organizer. She helped found (1905) the Industrial Workers of the World.琼斯,玛丽·哈里斯:(1830-1930) 爱尔兰裔的美国劳工领袖、工会组织者。她在1905年帮助创建了“世界产业工人协会” Jones 7  Jones&B{Robert Tyre}  Known as &b{“Bobby.”}(&b{1902-1971})  NONE(无词性)American golfer who won (1930) the Grand Slam of golf, the amateur and open championships in the United States and Great Britain.琼斯,罗伯特·提尔:(1902-1971) 美国高尔夫球运动员,1930年在高尔夫球联赛中获大满贯全胜,是美国及英国的业余高尔夫球锦标赛及公开赛冠车 Jones 8  Jones&B{Rufus Matthew} (&b{1863-1948})  NONE(无词性)American Quaker philosopher who helped found (1917) the American Friends Service Committee.琼斯,鲁富斯·马修:(1863-1948) 美国贵格会哲学家,于1917年帮助创建了“美国友爱服务委员会”




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