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单词 Jordan
释义 Jordan 1  Jor.dan  AHD:  [jôr“dn]  Formerly Trans.jor.dan[tr²ns”-, tr²nz”-] D.J.  [6d9%8dn] Formerly Trans.jor.dan[7tr#ns-, 7tr#nz-]K.K.  [6d9%rd2] Formerly Trans.jor.dan[7tr#ns-, 7tr#nz-]NONE(无词性)A country of southwest Asia in northwest Arabia. Inhabited since biblical times, the area was held by the Turks from 1516 until World War I. The country became the British mandate of Transjordan in 1923 and gained independence in 1946. Its territory west of the Jordan River was occupied by Israeli forces in the Six-Day War of 1967. Amman is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,595,100.约旦,外约旦:亚洲西南部国家,位于阿拉伯半岛西北部。这个地区从《圣经》时代起就有人居住,从1516年到第一次世界大战期间受土耳其人控制。1923年这个国家成为英国托管地(外约旦),1946年获得独立。在1967年的六日战争中,它位于约旦河以西的领土被以色列军队占领。安曼是其首都及最大城市。人口2,595,100继承用法:Jorda“nian  AHD:  [jôr-d³“n¶-…n] (形容词)(名词) Jordan 2  Jordan&B{Barbara Charline} (&b{Born 1936})  NONE(无词性)American politician. An eloquent spokesperson for the rights of poor people and minority groups, she served as a U.S. representative for Texas (1973-1979).乔丹,芭芭拉·查尔琳:(生于 1936) 美国政治家。她口才流利,是穷人和少数派的代言人,曾作为得克萨斯州代表任美国众议员(1973-1979年) Jordan 3  Jordan&B{David Starr} (&b{1851-1931})  NONE(无词性)American biologist and first president (1891-1913) of Stanford University.乔丹,戴维·斯塔尔:(1851-1931) 美国生物学家,斯坦福大学首任校长(1891-1913年)




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