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单词 jury
释义 jury['dʒuəri]n. 陪审团, 评判委员会a. 应急的【医】 陪审员, 应急的, 临时的【经】 陪审团, 陪审委员会, 陪审人员组织 jury 1  jury 1  AHD:  [j‹r“¶] D.J.  [6d9&*ri8]K.K.  [6d9&ri]n.(名词)  【复数】 ju.ries 1. Law A body of persons sworn to judge and give a verdict on a given matter, especially a body of persons summoned by law and sworn to hear and hand down a verdict upon a case presented in court.【法律】 陪审团:宣誓就特定的事项予以判决和裁定的团体,尤指受法律的传唤,宣誓后,就提交给法院的案子予以听证并给出裁定的团体2. A committee, usually of experts, that judges contestants or applicants, as in a competition or an exhibition; a panel of judges.评判委员会,专家评奖团:在竞赛或展览会上评判参赛选手或申请人的委员会,通常是专家委员会,由法官组成的评判小组及物动词)  ju.ried,,ju.ries To judge or evaluate by a jury:评审挑选:通过评判委员会给予判决或评价:jurying submitted samples for a crafts fair.评价为手工艺品展览会呈送的样品语源:1. Middle English jure 中古英语 jure 2. from Anglo-Norman juree [from feminine past participle of] jurer [to swear] 源自 英法语 juree  [] 源自jurer的阴性过去分词 [宣誓] 3. from Latin i&9{¿r³re} 源自 拉丁语 i&9{¿r³re} 4. from i&9{¿s}  i&9{¿}r- [law] * see  yewes- 源自 i&9{¿s}  i&9{¿}r- [法律] *参见 yewes-  jury 2  jury 2  AHD:  [j‹r“¶] D.J.  [6d9&*ri8]K.K.  [6d9&ri]adj.Nautical (形容词)【航海】 Intended or designed for temporary use; makeshift:暂用的,应急的:为临时使用而设计的;临时代用品:a jury sail.临时船帆语源:1. Ultimately from Old French ajuri [help] 最终源自 古法语 ajuri [帮助] 2. from Latin adi&9{¿t³re} [to help] * see  aid 源自 拉丁语 adi&9{¿t³re} [帮助] *参见 aid




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