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单词 just
释义 just[dʒʌst]a. 正直的, 合理的, 正确的, 应得的ad. 刚刚, 正好, 仅仅【经】 刚好相关词组:just asjust as it isjust just...butbe just to sbjust about enoughjust as you sayjust sojust my luckjust the thingjust yetjust nowjust aboutjust on just 1  just 1  AHD:  [j¾st] D.J.  [d9Jst]K.K.  [d9Jst]AHD:  [j…st, j¹st] [j¾st] 重读时 adj.(形容词)1. Honorable and fair in one's dealings and actions:正派的,公正的:行为举止正派,公平的:a just ruler.See Synonyms at &b{fair} &+{1}公正的统治者参见 fair12. Consistent with what is morally right; righteous:正义的:在道义上坚持合法的;正当的:a just cause.正义的事业3. Properly due or merited:应得的:just deserts.应得的奖赏4. Law Valid within the law; lawful:【法律】 合法的:在法律范围内有效的;依法的:just claims.合法的要求5. Suitable or proper in nature; fitting:恰当的:根本上适合的或适宜的;相称的:a just touch of solemnity.适度的庄重6. Based on fact or sound reason; well-founded:有充分根据的:以事实或合理的缘由为基础的;理由充足的:a just appraisal.有根有据的评价adv.(副词)1. Precisely; exactly:精确地;正好,恰恰正是:just enough salt.正好足够的盐2. Only a moment ago:刚才,方才:He just arrived.他刚刚到达3. By a narrow margin; barely:勉强地,差一点就不:just missed being hit; just caught the bus before it pulled away.差点被击中;及时搭上即将启动的公共汽车4. At a little distance:距离不远地:just down the road.就在马路那头5. Merely; only:只,仅仅:just a scratch.只是一道刮痕6. Simply; certainly:完全地,简直:It's just beautiful!简直太漂亮了!7. Perhaps; possibly:也许,可能:I just may go.我可能会走习惯用语:just about  Almost; very nearly:差不多,几乎:This job is just about done.这件工作差不多做完了just now  Only a moment ago.刚才,不久以前just the same  Nevertheless.然而,不过语源:1. Middle English juste 中古英语 juste 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin i&9{¿stus} * see  yewes- 源自 拉丁语 i&9{¿stus} *参见 yewes- 继承用法:just“ly  adv.(副词)just“ness  n.(名词) just 2  just 2  AHD:  [j¾st] D.J.  [d9Jst]K.K.  [d9Jst]n.(名词)v.(动词)Variant of joust joust的变体




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