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单词 k
释义 k 1  k 1或 K  AHD:  [k³] D.J.  [ke!]K.K.  [ke]n.(名词)  【复数】 k's 或 K's  1. The 11th letter of the modern English alphabet.K字母:现代英语字母表中的第11个字母2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letterk.  K的读音:用字母k 所表示的任何语音 3. The 11th in a series.序列中的第十一4. Something shaped like the letter K.K形物:形状象字母K的物体 k 2  k 2  abbr.(略语)Karat. Karat. k 3  派生:1. Derivatives are: sesqui-,ubiquity派生词为: sesqui-,ubiquity2. And (enclitic).一起,和 (附属字).3. sesqui- , ubiquity , from Latin  -que , and. sesqui- , ubiquity , 源自 拉丁语  -que , 一起. 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}e  635. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}e  635.  k 4  派生:1. Important derivatives are: pain,penalty,punish,impunity,subpoena重要派生词为: pain,penalty,punish,impunity,subpoena2. To pay, atone, compensate.支付, 补偿, 偿还.3. Suffixed o- grade form*k woi-n³ . pain , penal , ( penalty ), pine 2 , punish ; impunity , penology , ( punitory ), ( repine ), subpoena , from Greek  poin¶ , fine, penalty. 添加后缀的O级形式*k woi-n³ . pain , penal , ( penalty ), pine 2 , punish ; impunity , penology , ( punitory ), ( repine ), subpoena , 源自 希腊语  poin¶ , 罚款, 刑罚. 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}ei-(t-)  636. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}ei-(t-)  636.  k 5  派生:1. Important derivatives are: cheetah,poem,poet重要派生词为: cheetah,poem,poet2. To pile up, build, make.堆积, 建造, 制造.3. O-grade form*k woi- . O级形式*k woi- . 4. cheetah , from Sanskrit  k³ya&9{¡} , body; cheetah , 源自 梵语  k³ya&9{¡} , 躯干; 5. suffixed form*k woi-wo- , making, in denominative verb *k woiw-eyo- . poem , poesy , poet , poetic , -poiesis , -poietic ; epopee , mythopoeic , onomatopoeia , pharmacopoeia , prosopopeia , from Greek  poiein , to make, create. 添加后缀的形式*k woi-wo- , 制造, 在从名词派生出的动词 *k woiw-eyo- . poem 中, poesy , poet , poetic , -poiesis , -poietic ; epopee , mythopoeic , onomatopoeia , pharmacopoeia , prosopopeia , 源自 希腊语  poiein , 制造, 创造. 语源:Pokorny 2.k &9{ø}ei-  637. 波科尔尼2.k &9{ø}ei-  637.  k 6  派生:1. Important derivatives are: while,tranquil,coy,quiet,acquiesce重要派生词为: while,tranquil,coy,quiet,acquiesce2. To rest, be quiet.休息, 平静.3. Suffixed zero-grade variant form*k w&9{º}-lo-  (N *k wi…-lo -). 添加后缀的零级变体形式*k w&9{º}-lo-  (N *k wi…-lo -). 4. while , from Old English  hw&9{ºl} , while; while , 源自 古英语  hw&9{ºl} , 一会儿; 5. whilom , from Old English  hw&9{ºlum} , sometimes. Both a  and b  from Germanic  *hw&9{ºl½} . whilom , 源自 古英语  hw&9{ºlum} , 有时. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语  *hw&9{ºl½} . 6. tranquil , from Latin  tranquillus , tranquil ( tr³ns , across, beyond; see ter…- 2 ), possibly from k wei…- . tranquil , 源自 拉丁语  tranquillus , tranquil ( tr³ns , 横过, 超过; 参见 ter…-2 ), 可能源自 k wei…- . 7. Variant form*k wy¶-  (N *k wye…- ). coy , quiet ; acquiesce , requiem , requiescat , from Latin  qui¶s , quiet, requi¶s , rest, and requi¶scere , to rest. 变体形式*k wy¶-  (N *k wye…- ). coy , quiet ; acquiesce , requiem , requiescat , 源自 拉丁语  qui¶s , 安静, requi¶s , 平静, 和 requi¶scere , 休息. 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}ei-  638. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}ei-  638.  k 7  派生:1. Important derivatives are: colony,cult,cultivate,culture,wheel,cycle,cyclone,bicycle,collar,pole1 pulley,,bucolic重要派生词为: colony,cult,cultivate,culture,wheel,cycle,cyclone,bicycle,collar,pole1 pulley,,bucolic2. To revolve, move around, sojourn, dwell.旋转, 走来走去, 旅居, 居住.3. Basic form*k wel- . colony , cult , cultivate , ( culture ); incult , inquiline , silvicolous , from Latin  colere , to till, cultivate, inhabit. 基本形式*k wel- . colony , cult , cultivate , ( culture ); incult , inquiline , silvicolous , 源自 拉丁语  colere ,耕种, 培养, 居住于. 4. Suffixed form*k wel-es- . telic , ( telium ), telo- ; entelechy , talisman , teleology , ( teleost ), teleutospore , from Greek  telos , “completion of a cycle,” consummation, perfection, end, result. 添加后缀的形式*k wel-es- . telic , ( telium ), telo- ; entelechy , talisman , teleology , ( teleost ), teleutospore , 源自 希腊语  telos , “一个周期的完成,” 圆满成功, 完成, 结束, 结果. 5. Suffixed reduplicated form*k w(e)-k wl-o- , circle. 添加后缀的重叠形式*k w(e)-k wl-o- , 圆周. 6. wheel , from Old English  hw¶ol , hweogol , wheel, from Germanic  *hwewlaz . wheel , 源自 古英语  hw¶ol , hweogol , 轮子, 源自 日耳曼语  *hwewlaz . 7. cycle , cyclo- , cycloid , cyclone , cyclosis ; ( bicycle ), encyclical , epicycle , from Greek  kuklos , circle, wheel. cycle , cyclo- , cycloid , cyclone , cyclosis ; ( bicycle ), encyclical , epicycle , 源自 希腊语  kuklos , 循环, 周期. 8. chakra , chukker , from Sanskrit  cakram , circle, wheel. chakra , chukker , 源自 梵语  cakram , 圆周, 轮子. 9. Metathesized form*k we-lk w-o- . charkha , from Old Persian  *carka- . 音位转换的形式*k we-lk w-o- . charkha , 源自 古波斯语  *carka- . 10. O-grade form*k wol- . O级形式*k wol- . 11. Suffixed form*k wol-so- , “that on which the head turns,” neck. 添加后缀的形式*k wol-so- , “沿着头旋转的物体” 脖子. 12. hawse , from Old Norse  h³ls , neck, ship's bow; hawse , 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语  h³ls , 颈, 船头; 13. ringhals , from Middle Dutch  hals , neck; ringhals , 源自 中古荷兰语  hals , 颈; 14. hauberk , from Old French  hauberc , hauberk, from Germanic  compound *h(w)als-berg- , “neck-protector,” gorget ( *bergan , to protect; see bhergh- 1 ). (i), (ii) , and (iii)  all from Germanic  *h(w)alsaz ; hauberk , 源自 古法语  hauberc , 锁子甲, 源自 日耳曼语 复合词 *h(w)als-berg- , “护脖物,” 饰领( *bergan , 保护; 参见 bhergh-1 ). (i), (ii) , 和 (iii) 都源自 日耳曼语  *h(w)alsaz ; 15. col , collar , collet , cullet ; accolade , decollate 1 , décolleté , machicolate , ( machicolation ), torticollis , from Latin  collum , neck. col , collar , collet , cullet ; accolade , decollate 1 , décolleté , machicolate , ( machicolation ), torticollis , 源自 拉丁语  collum , 脖子. 16. Suffixed form*k wol-³ . -colous ; pratincole , from Latin  -cola  and incola , inhabitant ( in- , in; see en ). 添加后缀的形式*k wol-³ . -colous ; pratincole , 源自 拉丁语  -cola  和 incola , 居民( in- , 在; 参见 en). 17. Suffixed form*k wol-o- . 添加后缀的形式*k wol-o- . 18. ancillary , from Latin  anculus , “he who bustles about,” servant ( an- , short for ambi- , around, about; see ambhi ); ancillary , 源自 拉丁语  anculus , “四处奔波的男子,” 佣人 ( an- , 缺乏 ambi- , 在…周围, 四处; 参见 ambhi); 19. pole 1 , pulley , from Greek  polos , axis of a sphere; pole 1 , pulley , 源自 希腊语  polos , 球体的轴; 20. bucolic , from Greek  boukolos , cowherd, from -kolos , herdsman. bucolic , 源自 希腊语  boukolos , 牧牛者, 源自 -kolos , 牧人. 21. Suffixed form*kwol-es-  (probably a blend of o-grade *k wol-o-  and expected e-grade *k wel-es- ). calash , kolacky , from Slavic  kolo , koles- , wheel. 添加后缀的形式*kwol-es-  (大概是O级的混合语 *k wol-o-  和要求的e级 *k wel-es- ). calash , kolacky , 源自 斯拉夫语  kolo , koles- , 轮子. 22. Suffixed o-grade form*k wol-eno- . (see wes- 3 ) Old Iranian  *vah³-carana- , “sale-traffic,” from *carana- , trade, traffic. 添加后缀的O级形式*k wol-eno- . (参见 wes-3 ) 古伊朗语  *vah³-carana- , “销售——贸易,” 源自 *carana- , 贸易, 商业. 23. Suffixed zero-grade form*k w§-i- . palimpsest , palindrome , palingenesis , palinode , from Greek  palin , again (N “revolving”). 添加后缀的零级形式*k w§-i- . palimpsest , palindrome , palingenesis , palinode , 源自 希腊语  palin , 再一次 (N “旋转的”). 语源:Pokorny 1.k &9{ø}el-  639. 波科尔尼 1.k &9{ø}el-  639.  k 8  派生:1. Derivatives are: tele-,paleo-派生词为: tele-,paleo-2. Far (in space and time).远的 (在空间和时间上).3. Lengthened-grade form*k w¶l- . tele- , from Greek  t¶le , far off. 变长级形式*k w¶l- . tele- , 源自 希腊语  t¶le , 遥远的. 4. Suffixed zero-grade form*k w§-ai . paleo- , from Greek  palai , long ago. 添加后缀的零级形式*k w§-ai . paleo- , 源自 希腊语  palai , 很久以前的. 语源:Pokorny 2.k &9{ø}el-  640. 波科尔尼2.k &9{ø}el-  640.  k 9  派生:1. Important derivatives are: pathetic,pathos,sympathy重要派生词为: pathetic,pathos,sympathy2. To suffer.受苦.3. Suffixed form*k wenth-es- . nepenthe , from Greek  penthos , grief. 添加后缀的形式*k wenth-es- . nepenthe , 源自 希腊语  penthos , 悲伤. 4. Zero-grade form*k w&9{ö}th- . pathetic , patho- , pathos , -pathy ; apathy , ( pathognomonic ), sympathy , from Greek  pathos , suffering, passion, emotion, feelings. 零级形式*k w&9{ö}th- . pathetic , patho- , pathos , -pathy ; apathy , ( pathognomonic ), sympathy , 源自 希腊语  pathos , 苦楚, 热情, 情绪, 心情. 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}enth-  641. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}enth-  641.  k 10  派生:1. An important derivative is: karma重要派生词为: karma2. To make.制造,安排.3. Sanskrit , from Sanskrit  karoti , he makes. Sanskrit , 源自 梵语  karoti , 它制造. 4. Suffixed form*k wer-½r  with dissimilated form *k wel-½r . peloria , from Greek  pel½r , monster (perhaps “that which does harm”). 添加后缀的形式*k wer-½r  和不同的形式 *k wel-½r . peloria , 源自 希腊语  pel½r , 恶人 (可能是“做邪恶事情的人”). 5. Suffixed form*k wer-…s- . tera- ; ( teratocarcinoma ), teratogen , teratoid , teratoma , from Greek  teras , monster. 添加后缀的形式*k wer-…s- . tera- ; ( teratocarcinoma ), teratogen , teratoid , teratoma , 源自 希腊语  teras , 怪物. 6. Suffixed form*k wer-m&9{ö} . karma , from Sanskrit  karma , act, deed. 添加后缀的形式*k wer-m&9{ö} . karma , 源自 梵语  karma , 行动, 行为. 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}er-  641. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}er-  641.  k 11  派生:1. Important derivatives are: four,forty,fourteen,quatrain,squad,square,quadri-,quadrant,quarantine,tetra-,trapezium,fourth,farthing,quart,quarter重要派生词为: four,forty,fourteen,quatrain,squad,square,quadri-,quadrant,quarantine,tetra-,trapezium,fourth,farthing,quart,quarter2. Four.四.3. O-grade form*k wetwor- . O级形式*k wetwor- . 4. four , from Old English  f¶ower , four; four , 源自 古英语  f¶ower , 四; 5. forty , from Old English  f¶owertig , forty; forty , 源自 古英语  f¶owertig , 四十; 6. fourteen , from Old English  f¶owert¶ne , fourteen ( -t¶ne , ten; see dek&9{©} ). a, b,  and c  all from Germanic  *fe(d)wor- , probably from *k wetwor- . fourteen , 源自 古英语  f¶owert¶ne , 十四 ( -t¶ne , 十; 参见 dek&9{©}). a, b, 和 c 都源自 日耳曼语  *fe(d)wor- , 可能源自 *k wetwor- . 7. quatrain ; cater-cornered , quattrocento , from Latin  quattuor , four. quatrain ; cater-cornered , quattrocento , 源自 拉丁语  quattuor , 四个一组之物. 8. czardas , from Old Iranian  cathw³r½ , four. czardas , 源自 古伊朗语  cathw³r½ , 四. 9. Multiplicatives*k weturs , *k wetrus , and combining forms *k wetur- , *k wetru- . 倍数词*k weturs , *k wetrus , 和复合形式 *k wetur- , *k wetru- . 10. cahier , ( carillon ), ( carnet ), quaternary , quaternion , quire 1 , from Latin  quater , four times. cahier , ( carillon ), ( carnet ), quaternary , quaternion , quire 1 , 源自 拉丁语  quater , 四倍. 11. cadre , quadrate , quadrille 1 , quarrel 2 , quarry 2 ; ( squad ), square , trocar , from Latin  quadrum , square. cadre , quadrate , quadrille 1 , quarrel 2 , quarry 2 ; ( squad ), square , trocar , 源自 拉丁语  quadrum , 正方形. 12. quadri- , from Latin  quadri- , four. quadri- , 源自 拉丁语  quadri- , 四. 13. quadrant , from Latin  quadr³ns , a fourth part. quadrant , 源自 拉丁语  quadr³ns , 第四部分. 14. quarantine , from Latin  quadr³gint³ , forty ( -gint³ , ten times; see dek&9{©} ). quarantine , 源自 拉丁语  quadr³gint³ , forty ( -gint³ , 十次; 参见 dek&9{©}). 15. Variant form*k wet(w)&9{—}- . 变体形式*k wet(w)&9{—}- . 16. tetra- , from Greek  tetra- , four; tetra- , 源自 希腊语  tetra- , 四; 17. tessera ; diatessaron , from Greek  tessares , tettares  (genitive tessar½n ), four; tessera ; diatessaron , 源自 希腊语  tessares , tettares  (属格 tessar½n ), 四; 18. tetrad , from Greek  tetras , group of four; tetrad , 源自 希腊语  tetras , 四个一组; 19. zero-grade form*k wt(w)&9{—}- . trapezium , from Greek  tra- , four. 零级形式*k wt(w)&9{—}- . trapezium , 源自 希腊语  tra- , 四. 20. Ordinal adjective*k wetur-to- . 表示顺序的形容词*k wetur-to- . 21. fourth , from Old English  f¶ortha , f¶owertha , fourth; fourth , 源自 古英语  f¶ortha , f¶owertha , 第四; 22. firkin , from Middle Dutch  veerde , fourth; firkin , 源自 中古荷兰语  veerde , 第四的; 23. farthing , from Old English  f¶orthing , f¶orthung , fourth part of a penny. a, b,  and c  all from Germanic  *fe(d)worth½n- . farthing , 源自 古英语  f¶orthing , f¶orthung , 一便士的四分之一. a, b, 和 c 都源自 日耳曼语  *fe(d)worth½n- . 24. quadrille 2 , quadroon , quart , quartan , quarter , quarto , from Latin  qu³rtus , fourth, quarter. quadrille 2 , quadroon , quart , quartan , quarter , quarto , 源自 拉丁语  qu³rtus , 第四, 四分之一. 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}et&9{ø}er-  642. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}et&9{ø}er-  642.  k 12  派生:1. Important derivatives are: who,what,why,which,how,when,where,whether,neither,either,quorum,quip,quasi,quote,quotient,quantity,quality,neuter,alibi重要派生词为: who,what,why,which,how,when,where,whether,neither,either,quorum,quip,quasi,quote,quotient,quantity,quality,neuter,alibi2. or Also kwi- Stem of relative and interrogative pronouns.或 也作 kwi- 关系代词和疑问代词的词干.3. who , whose , whom , from Old English  hw³ , hwæs , hw&9{Æm} , who, whose, whom, from Germanic  personal pronouns *hwas , *hwasa , *hwam ; who , whose , whom , 源自 古英语  hw³ , hwæs , hw&9{Æm} , who, whose, whom, 源自 日耳曼语  人称代词 *hwas , *hwasa , *hwam ; 4. what , from Old English  hwæt , what, from Germanic  pronoun *hwat ; what , 源自 古英语  hwæt , 什么, 源自 日耳曼语 代名词 *hwat ; 5. why , from Old English  hw&9{þ} , why, from Germanic  adverb *hw&9{º} ; why , 源自 古英语  hw&9{þ} , why, 源自 日耳曼语 副词 *hw&9{º} ; 6. which , from Old English  hwilc , hwelc , which, from Germanic  relative pronoun *hwa-l&9{ºk-}  ( *l&9{ºk-} , body, form; see l&9{º}k- ); which , 源自 古英语  hwilc , hwelc , 那一个, 源自 日耳曼语  关系代词 *hwa-l&9{ºk-}  ( *l&9{ºk-} , 身体, 形式; 参见 l&9{º}k-); 7. how , from Old English  h&9{¿} , how, from Germanic  adverb *hw½ ; how , 源自 古英语  h&9{¿} , 如何, 源自 日耳曼语  副词 *hw½ ; 8. when , from Old English  hwenne , hwanne , when; when , 源自 古英语  hwenne , hwanne , 当…的时候; 9. whence , from Old English  hwanon , whence. Both (i)  and (ii)  from Germanic  adverb *hwan- ; whence , 源自 古英语  hwanon , 因而. (i) 和 (ii) 都源自 日耳曼语  副词 *hwan- ; 10. whither , from Old English  hwider , whither, from Germanic  adverb *hwithr¶ ; whither , 源自 古英语  hwider , 不论何处, 源自 日耳曼语 副词 *hwithr¶ ; 11. where , from Old English  hw&9{Ær} , where, from Germanic  adverb *hwar- . a, b, c, d, e, f, g,  and h  all from Germanic  *hwa- , *hwi- . where , 源自 古英语  hw&9{Ær} , 何地, 源自 日耳曼语 副词 *hwar- . a, b, c, d, e, f, g, 和 h 都源自 日耳曼语  *hwa- , *hwi- . 12. whether ; neither , from Old English  hwæther , hwether , which of two, whether; whether ; neither , 源自 古英语  hwæther , hwether , 两个中的那一个, 是否; 13. either , from Old English  &9{Æghwæther} , &9{Æther} , either, from Germanic  phrase *aiwo gihwatharaz , “ever each of two” ( *aiwo , *aiwi , ever; see aiw- ; *gi-  from *ga- , collective prefix; see kom ). Both a  and b  from Germanic  *hwatharaz . either , 源自 古英语  &9{Æghwæther} , &9{Æther} , 任一, 源自 日耳曼语  惯用语 *aiwo gihwatharaz , “曾经两个都” ( *aiwo , *aiwi , 曾经; 参见 aiw-; *gi-  from *ga- , 集合字首; 参见 kom). a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语  *hwatharaz . 14. qua , quibble , quorum , from Latin  qu&9{º}  (genitive plural qu½rum ), who. qua , quibble , quorum , 源自 拉丁语  qu&9{º}  (属格复数 qu½rum ), 谁. 15. hidalgo , quiddity , quidnunc , quip , from Latin  quid , what, something. hidalgo , quiddity , quidnunc , quip , 源自 拉丁语  quid , 什么, 某事. 16. quasi , from Latin  quasi , as if ( quam  &9{ÿ} s&9{º} , if; see swo- ), from quam , as, than, how. quasi , 源自 拉丁语  quasi , 似乎 ( quam  &9{ÿ} s&9{º} , 如果; 参见 swo-), 源自 quam , 好象, 比…, 如何. 17. quodlibet , from Latin  quod , what. quodlibet , 源自 拉丁语  quod , 什么. 18. quote , quotidian , quotient ; aliquot , from Latin  quot , how many. quote , quotidian , quotient ; aliquot , 源自 拉丁语  quot , 多少. 19. quondam , from Latin  quom , when. quondam , 源自 拉丁语  quom , 当…的时候. 20. cooncan , from Latin  quem , whom. cooncan , 源自 拉丁语  quem , 谁 21. quantity , from Latin  quantus , how great. quantity , 源自 拉丁语  quantus , 多大. 22. quality , from Latin  qu³lis , of what kind. quality , 源自 拉丁语  qu³lis , 什么种类的. 23. cue 2 , from Latin  quand½ , when (from *k w³m  &9{ÿ} -d½ , to, til; see de- ). cue 2 , 源自 拉丁语  quand½ , 当…的时候 (源自 *k w³m  &9{ÿ} -d½ , 到, 胡麻; 参见 de-). 24. neuter , from Latin  uter , either of two. neuter , 源自 拉丁语  uter , 两个中的任一个. 25. alibi , ubiquity , from Latin  ubi , where, and ibi , there. alibi , ubiquity , 源自 拉丁语  ubi , 何地, 和 ibi , 在哪儿. 26. cheese 3 , from Old Persian  *ciš-ciy , something (N *k wid-k wid ). cheese 3 , 源自 古波斯语  *ciš-ciy , 某物(N *k wid-k wid ). 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}o-  644. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}o-  644.  k 13  派生:1. Important derivatives are: midriff,corporal1 corporate,corporeal,corps,corpse,corpuscle,corsage,corset,leprechaun重要派生词为: midriff,corporal1 corporate,corporeal,corps,corpse,corpuscle,corsage,corset,leprechaun2. Body.身体.3. Suffixed form*k wrep-es- . midriff , from Old English  hrif , belly from Germanic  *hrefiz- . 添加后缀的形式*k wrep-es- . midriff , 源自 古英语  hrif , 腹部,源自 日耳曼语  *hrefiz- . 4. Suffixed zero-grade form*k w&9{—}p-es- . corporal 1 , corporal 3 , corporate , corporeal , corposant , corps , corpse , corpulence , corpus , corpuscle , corsage , corse , corset ; leprechaun , from Latin  corpus , body, substance. 添加后缀的零级形式*k w&9{—}p-es- . corporal 1 , corporal 3 , corporate , corporeal , corposant , corps , corpse , corpulence , corpus , corpuscle , corsage , corse , corset ; leprechaun , 源自 拉丁语  corpus , 身体, 物质. 语源:Pokorny 1.krep-  620. 波科尔尼 1.krep-  620.  k 14  派生:1. An important derivative is: crimson重要派生词为: crimson2. Worm.虫.3. Rhyme word to*w&9{—mi-} , worm (see wer- 2 ). ( crimson ), kermes , from Arabic  qirmiz , kermes, borrowed from Sanskrit  compound k&9{•mi-ja-} , “(red dye) produced by worms” ( ja- , produced; see gen…- ), from k&9{•mi-} , worm. 和*w&9{—mi-} 的同韵字, 虫 (参见 wer-2 ). ( crimson ), kermes , 源自 阿拉伯语  qirmiz , 虫胭脂, 从 梵语 复合词 k&9{•mi-ja-} 转借而来, “由虫子产生的红色染料” ( ja- ,生产品; 参见 gen…-), 源自 k&9{•mi-} , 虫. 语源:Pokornyk &9{ø}&9{—}mi-  649. 波科尔尼k &9{ø}&9{—}mi-  649.  K 1  K 1  n.(名词)  【复数】 K's 【俚语】 One thousand dollars.一千美元语源:k(ilo)- k(ilo)- K 2  K 2  NONE(无词性)The symbol for the element potassium 元素potassium的符号语源:1. From kali [potassium] 源自 kali [钾] 2. from Arabic qily [alkali] 源自 阿拉伯语 qily [碱] 3. from qal³ [to bake] 源自 qal³ [烘烤]  K 3  K 3  abbr.(略语)1. Kaon. Kaon.2. Kelvin [temperature scale] Kelvin[温度刻度] 3. Computer Science Kilobyte. 【计算机科学】 Kilobyte.4. Kindergarten. Kindergarten.5. Or k.  Games King [chess] 或 k. 【游戏】 King[象棋] 6. Bible Kings.【圣经】 国王7. Or k. Knight.或 k. 骑士 k.  k. 或 K.  abbr.(略语)1. Kopeck. Kopeck.2. Krona. Krona.3. Krone. Krone.




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