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单词 anodyne
释义 anodyne['ænəudain]n. 止痛药, 镇痛剂a. 止痛的【化】 止痛药; 镇痛药【医】 止痛的, 止痛剂 anodyne  an.o.dyne  AHD:  [²n“…-dºn”] D.J.  [6#n*7da!n]K.K.  [6#n*7da!n]adj.(形容词)1. Capable of soothing or eliminating pain.止痛的,镇痛的:能消除或去除疼痛的2. Relaxing:放松的;安慰的:anodyne novels about country life.关于乡村生活的消遣小说3. Watered-down; insipid:无刺激力的;平淡乏味的:“At the time, I thought that passage was pretty anodyne”(&b{Conor Cruise O'Brien})“那时,我认为那篇文章相当乏味”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)n.(名词)1. A medicine, such as aspirin, that relieves pain.止痛剂:可减缓疼痛的药,如阿斯匹林2. A source of soothing comfort.安慰物:起安慰作用的事物语源:1. Latin an½dynus 拉丁语 an½dynus 2. from Greek an½dunos [free from pain] 源自 希腊语 an½dunos [免除痛苦] 3. an- [without] * see  a- 1an- [无,没有] *参见 a-14. odun¶ [pain] * see  ed- odun¶ [痛苦] *参见 ed-




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