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单词 anoint
释义 anoint[ə'nɒint]vt. 涂油, 施以涂油礼【医】 涂油膏 anoint  a.noint  AHD:  […-noint“] D.J.  [*6n%!nt]K.K.  [*6n%!nt]及物动词)  a.noint.ed,,a.noints 1. To apply oil, ointment, or a similar substance to.擦,涂,抹:用油、油膏或类似物质涂2. To put oil on during a religious ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration.涂油于:在宗教仪式上涂油是神化或任圣职的象征3. To choose by or as if by divine intervention.选定,指定:被神或仿佛被神选定语源:1. Middle English enointen 中古英语 enointen 2. from Old French enoint [past participle of] enoindre 源自 古法语 enoint  [] enoindre的过去分词 3. from Latin inunguere  in&9{¿}nct- 源自 拉丁语 inunguere  in&9{¿}nct- 4. in- [on] * see  in- 2in- [在…上,关于] *参见 in-25. unguere [to smear] unguere [涂,抹] 继承用法:anoint“ment  n.(名词)




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